Scare in a train of the company Ouigo with destination s Barcelona this Wednesday. For four hours he was trapped by a breakdown in the Serra Llarga tunnel in Roda de Berà (Tarragona). with 463 passengers on board, plus six crew members and the engineer. The incident did not cut the circulation of trains although Civil Protection has activated the pre-alert of the Ferrocat plan.

For much of the afternoon Ouigo and Adif valued "the best option to solve the incident of the broken train", although the company pointed out that "the passage remains in comfort", as Civil Protection remarked by social networks. At first the company indicated that it was a technical stop.

The high-speed train left Madrid at 14:15 p.m. and was scheduled to arrive in Barcelona at 16:45 p.m. but a "technical" problem left it stopped in the tunnel for four hours.

Around 21 p.m. a tugboat took the train to Tarragona station and from there the passengers boarded another train that took them to Barcelona more than five hours after the scheduled time.

Ouigo indicated that all those affected will receive the price of the ticket paid.

  • Ouigo
  • Tarragona
  • Twitter
  • Barcelona
  • Train accident in Santiago

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