Palestinians mourned the bodies of 12 martyrs who fell during the Israeli military operation in the city of Jenin and its camp, and the occupation army said that the objectives of the operation were achieved despite incurring a heavy price. While Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant vowed to treat the West Bank in the same way as Gaza, Hamas considered the Israeli withdrawal from Jenin a declaration of failure.

Thousands of citizens marched in the funeral of 10 martyrs inside the camp, and the funeral procession set off from in front of Jenin Governmental Hospital towards the city center to the cemetery of the martyrs in the camp, while the funeral and burial of the other two martyrs took place in their hometowns outside the camp.

Mourners chanted during the funeral for the martyrs – five of whom are under the age of 18 – and the steadfastness of the resistance in the face of aggression, vowing to continue the path of resistance until the occupation is defeated.

Yesterday, thousands of Palestinians marched in Jenin and a number of West Bank cities to celebrate what they saw as the victory of the Palestinian resistance in the Jenin refugee camp during the Israeli forces' incursion into the city over the past two days.

Galant threatens

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant threatened that "there will be no safe place for terrorism" and said the IDF would do in the West Bank as it did in Gaza.

He added that the Israeli army had acted in Jenin against all those it described as terrorist organizations, and was able to copy its operation and carry it out anywhere else.

He added that the Israeli military operation in Jenin achieved great results, including the seizure of weapons and ammunition stores and factories and the liquidation of militants, as he put it.

The day after the withdrawal, the Israeli army spokesman reported the arrest of 300 people and the killing of 12 others he said were militants in Jenin, and added – in statements to Israeli radio – that the Jenin operation, which lasted 48 hours, was complex and in an area he described as difficult.

On the other hand, the IDF spokesman described the military operation in Jenin and its refugee camp as successful and achieved great results, but said that the army had incurred a heavy price, referring to the killing of one of the elite soldiers.

He denied that there were Palestinian civilians killed, saying that there were wounded and wounded because what he described as terrorists hid behind citizens.

Members of al-Qassam, the Al-Quds Brigades and the martyrs of Al-Aqsa set up a tight ambush, killing an Israeli soldier and wounding another, and pictures showed the resistance inside the Jenin camp targeting an Israeli military vehicle with an explosive device.

Hamas and Jihad are responding

In the Palestinian reactions, Hamas said that the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation army from the Jenin camp is a declaration of its failure to achieve its goals and its defeat in the face of the will of heroic steadfastness of the resistance.

The movement added in a statement that the Palestinian people are united and adhere to the option of resistance, and stressed the strengthening of joint field coordination in the face of the occupation and its settlers.

The Movement called on the international community, the United Nations and the League of Arab States to overcome the state of condemnation and condemnation, and to assume their responsibilities in ending the occupation, prosecuting it legally and holding its leaders accountable for their crimes and terrorism.

Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziad al-Nakhaleh said the Palestinian people had achieved a major victory by defeating the Israeli aggression on Jenin and its refugee camp. Al-Nakhaleh said in a statement that "the Jenin battalion led with courage and heroism this great victory."

Al-Nakhaleh called for Palestinian solidarity "in order to strengthen the steadfastness of the Jenin camp, so that it remains an inspiring title for revolution, challenge, jihad and resistance."

The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas' military wing) and the Jenin Brigades of the Al-Quds Brigades (the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad) issued separate statements praising the courage and steadfastness of the Jenin refugee camp, stressing that the resistance taught the enemy a harsh lesson and inflicted heavy losses on it, and saying that the occupation forces came out defeated from the camp.

Redeployment of resistance

Dozens of Palestinian gunmen deployed on Wednesday in the center of Jenin camp after the end of the Israeli military operation, and re-erected iron barriers at the entrances to the camp, in anticipation of any new Israeli incursion, according to the correspondent of the Anadolu Agency.

One of the gunmen said – in a statement to the agency, refusing to be named – that the Israeli army failed to achieve any of its goals, adding that the occupation forces withdrew from the camp under pressure and resistance force, which continued to confront its forces throughout the hours of aggression.

The Israeli occupation army stormed Jenin at dawn on Monday, in its largest incursion since Operation Defensive Wall in 2002, where more than 3,200 soldiers, 120 military vehicles and dozens of aircraft participated in the storming. In addition to the martyrs, about 20 others were wounded in the Israeli operation, <> of them in critical condition.

Raids on Gaza, trampling and stabbing in Tel Aviv

After announcing its withdrawal from Jenin, the Israeli army launched raids on the Gaza Strip targeting positions of Palestinian factions, in response to rocket fire from the Strip that were intercepted by Iron Dome.

Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that Israeli warplanes bombed with a number of missiles a site of the Palestinian resistance in the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, and another site west of Gaza City.

The correspondent said that the Israeli raids caused material damage to the two targeted sites, but no injuries were reported.

In Tel Aviv, seven people were injured in a stabbing attack carried out by a Palestinian youth on Tuesday.

According to eyewitnesses, the assailant was driving at high speed, crashed hard into a bus stop, got out and stabbed Israelis before being shot at close by a security guard.

Hamas claimed responsibility for the Tel Aviv operation and mourned its perpetrator, Abdel Wahab Khalayleh, and stressed that this operation is the beginning of a response to the occupation aggression against Jenin.