For decades, Swedes have been attracted by the sun, the sea and green golf courses all year round. On Spain's sunny coast there are currently two Swedish schools, a third is about to open. Over 100 Swedish brokers will be located in the area, and restaurants and nightclubs run by Swedes.

Influencer Victoria Eklund, 27, from Alingsås took the step to move to Marbella during the corona pandemic. Among sun and palm trees, it is easier to create content, she feels.

– You create an image that you have a holiday and it may be more interesting to follow, says Victoria Eklund in the series "Marbella".

Selling their home

In recent years, Spanish and Swedish police have noticed that gang criminals left Sweden to establish themselves in the city of Marbella. Swedish police tell Uppdrag granskning that there are several hundred, up to 1000,<> active criminal Swedes, on the Spanish Costa del Sol. Victoria Eklund does not notice the crime, but sometimes hears stories from friends.

"Girlfriends who are out in clubs can see a lot of gang fights and things like that. But no one talks about it," she says.

"Headache people"

Multi-millionaire and ex-politician Jan Emanuel was attracted by the existence of wealthy people and expensive restaurants in the city of Puerto Banús. Now he has been trying to sell his home there for a long time. The growing crime rate is one of the reasons why he has grown tired.

"These are headache people, i.e. very criminals, mixed with a newly rich class where everyone has to show how rich they are. I just don't think it's fun," he says.