Länstrafiken's buses will no longer be washed this summer, P4 Jönköping was the first to tell us.

This is not the first time that passengers have had to get used to dusty buses in the summer, even in the dry summer of 2018 and last summer Länstrafiken chose to stop cleaning its buses.

– In the municipalities where there are some form of irrigation restrictions in the county, we stop washing the buses outside, says Malin Hellsten. Now during the summer they also do not get so dirty, mostly dusty. However, the buses must be cleaned in the interior and windscreens are cleaned for safety reasons.

Can become permanent

In Jönköping, the buses are washed with rainwater.

"We save rainwater and we reuse 90 percent for laundry," Hellsten says. But if it doesn't rain and we can't collect any rainwater, then we don't wash in Jönköping either.

According to Hellsten, there are now thoughts of having a permanent routine to stop washing Länstrafiken's buses during the summer.

"Given our climate, they may be a little dusty during the summer," says Hellsten.