In the second round, there were 1615,<> cadres at or above the level of the central ecological environmental protection supervision and accountability department

Strict accountability forces functional departments to assume environmental responsibility

□ Zhang Wei, reporter of this newspaper

With the completion of the second round of accountability for the transfer of central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, a large-scale and severe result was also made public: 158 accountability issues, 3371,1692 people were held accountable, of which 1615,<> were punished by party discipline and government affairs, and the number of cadres at or above the department level reached <>,<>.

"Strict accountability is an intrinsic requirement of ecological environmental protection inspectors, and it is also an effective means to promote inspection rectification work and solve ecological and environmental problems." The relevant person in charge of the Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision Office said that on the whole, the second round of accountability and accountability for the transfer of supervision focuses on the main responsibility, supervision responsibility and leadership responsibility of leading cadres, and has played a positive role in implementing the dual responsibility of the party and government and the same post for ecological environmental protection, and promoting the supervision and rectification work.

Top wind built a hotel in Jiangtan

A large number of officials were held accountable

In Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, a group of officials such as Pan Zaoyun, former vice mayor of Zhenjiang City, have been caught up in this accountability storm.

According to the notification of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, the reason why the above-mentioned personnel were held accountable was related to the poor progress of cleaning up and rectifying the shoreline of the Zhenjiang Changjiang River and the prominent ecological and environmental problems. Zhenjiang City has not included all the projects occupying river courses in violation of laws and regulations such as the Water Law and River Management Regulations into the list of clean-up and rectification, and there is a problem of underreporting and underreporting. On-site spot checks found that there are still 19 projects within the river management area of the Zhenjiang section of the main stream of the Yangtze River that have not obtained the approval procedures for river-related construction projects, including 9 construction projects before the promulgation and implementation of the Water Law and 10 construction projects after the promulgation and implementation.

What is particularly noteworthy is that the Xisha Bay Starry Sky Hotel was built by the relevant departments of Yangzhong City in the name of water conservancy facilities in the Yangtze River channel, and Yangzhong City knew that the project was illegal, but still reported it as a water conservancy facility when the higher authorities inspected it.

It is regrettable that at the end of the special inspection on the protection and utilization of the Yangtze River main stream, this hotel built on the beach of the Yangtze River is in full swing. At the time of the inspection team's on-site inspection, the Starry Sky Hotel was still in business, and the street sign of "Starry Sky Hotel in Xisha Wan" could be seen on the road.

Yangzhong City knew that the project was illegal, why did it still report it as a water conservancy facility when it was inspected by its superiors? What is the origin of this hotel? These problems once attracted strong attention from society and had a bad impact.

Zhenjiang's problems do not stop there, and the notice also mentions that Dantu District Anfeng Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. and Zhenxing Marine Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. still have the problem of filling the river beach with construction waste and industrial solid waste to erode the river surface after 2021. Jiangsu Fuxing Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. illegally occupied the Yangtze River shoreline without approval to build new ship repair and dismantling projects, and oily wastewater was directly discharged into the Yangtze River. Zhenjiang Huantai Silicon Technology Co., Ltd. illegally occupied 430 acres of beach land to build factories and production facilities. Jiangsu Yuanze Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. produces wastewater and secretly discharges the Yangtze River...

All of this is a serious mismatch with Zhenjiang's key role in the ecological protection of the Yangtze River, which is located on the south bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, with about 293 kilometers of Yangtze River shoreline, involving ecologically sensitive areas such as aquatic germplasm resources conservation areas and provincially important wetlands, and has an important ecological status. However, the relevant departments and districts (cities) of Zhenjiang City show that they do not understand the importance of ecological environmental protection and restoration of the Yangtze River, the clean-up and rectification of illegal projects along the Yangtze River shoreline are not in place, and the supervision and law enforcement work is ineffective.

Always adhere to a strict tone

Compaction ecological environmental responsibility

The crux of local party committees and government leading cadres like Zhenjiang not paying enough attention to ecological and environmental issues, and the relevant regulatory departments allowing enterprises to violate the law for a long time, is not uncommon in the second round of feedback from central ecological and environmental protection inspectors.

For example, there was chaos in the steel industry in Handan City, Hebei Province, and the implementation of industrial structure adjustment was ineffective, and Hebei Xinwuan Iron and Steel Group Baking Steel Co., Ltd. illegally built a 1580 cubic meter blast furnace without completing the necessary procedures before starting construction such as filing, environmental impact assessment, and energy assessment.

A number of sand and gravel yards in Seni District, Nagqu City, Tibet, failed to apply for mining permits as required, and forestry, grassland, water conservancy and other departments did not go through the procedures for grassland requisitioning and occupation and water and soil conservation in accordance with the regulations, allowing them to be illegally exploited for a long time, involving a total grassland area of 46,8 square meters.

One comment hit the nail on the head: "These problems reflect that some localities have not yet formed the ideological, political and action consciousness to promote the construction of ecological civilization, and still need to force local party committees, governments and relevant functional departments to assume the responsibility of ecological environmental protection through serious accountability." ”

Adhering to a strict tone and compacting ecological and environmental protection responsibilities is also one of the principles of the central ecological environmental protection inspectorate. "The strict tone is the lifeblood of the inspector's work and the fundamental place for the inspector to maintain its credibility and authority. The strict tone runs through the entire supervision system, dares to gnaw hard bones, keeps a close eye on problems and keeps an eye on them to the end, resolutely investigates and deals with a number of major typical cases, and forms a powerful deterrent. Zhai Qing, vice minister of ecology and environment, said.

The strict tone can also be seen from the accountability and accountability of the second round of central ecological environmental protection inspectors. 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps held a total of 135,3035 people accountable for the 371 accountability issues handed over by inspectors, including 93 department-level cadres (including 1244 department-level cadres) and 594,1509 department-level cadres (including 108 department-level cadres). Among them, 576,782 people were given party discipline and government sanctions (involving 108 department-level cadres and 377 department-level cadres), 744 people were admonished (6 department-level cadres and 23 department-level cadres were involved), and 336 people were otherwise handled. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and six central enterprises held a total of 183 people accountable for the 63 accountability issues transferred by the inspectors, of which 90 were given party discipline and government sanctions, <> were admonished, and <> were otherwise handled.

It is not difficult to find that the accountability and accountability of transfer issues have shown obvious characteristics such as high level, strong intensity and wide coverage. Judging from the specific situation of accountability, more than 50% of all those who have been punished by party discipline and government affairs have been punished. In terms of the composition of the persons held accountable, the number of cadres at and above the department level accounts for about 48% of the total number of persons held accountable. From the perspective of the units where the persons to be held accountable belong, the personnel are distributed in local party committees, local governments, local party committees and government-affiliated departments, state-owned enterprises, other relevant departments, public institutions, etc.

It can be seen that the second round of accountability and accountability for the transfer of supervision focuses on the main responsibility, supervision responsibility and leadership responsibility of leading cadres. This is not only an effective means to promote the rectification of supervision and reform and the solution of ecological and environmental problems, but also a powerful starting point to promote the implementation of "the party and the government have the same responsibility, and one post has dual responsibility".

Highlight outstanding issues

Promote the solution of environmental problems

Accountability is not the goal, but the goal is to force responsibility and promote problem solving.

In fact, adhering to the problem orientation and paying close attention to highlighting ecological and environmental problems is also one of the main practices of the central ecological environmental protection inspectorate. Always insist on facing the problem head-on, running for the problem, and running for the responsibility. "Pay attention to both the general problems on the surface and the outstanding shortcomings in the focus; It not only focuses on accurately investigating the problem and investigating it thoroughly, but also digs deep into the reasons and responsibilities behind the problem; It not only seriously points out problems, but also promotes the improvement of policy systems and long-term mechanisms as an opportunity to solve problems. Zhai Qing said.

It is worth noting that in each batch of inspection reports, more than 60% of the articles are insisted on talking about problems, without evasion or concealment, combined with the actual situation of the inspected object and its strategic position in the national economic development and ecological security, clearly pointing out outstanding problems, and effectively transmitting pressure to the inspected object.

In recent years, a series of problems have been solved through the accountability of the central ecological environmental protection inspectorate.

All 144 mining rights in the Qilian Mountain National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province have been withdrawn by classification, 42 hydropower stations have been sorted and disposed of, problems such as vegetation destruction and grassland degradation have been alleviated, and the appearance of abundant water and grass and galloping horses has been gradually restored.

More than 3700,<> mu of illegal villas in Xi'an, north of the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province, have been demolished and restored, and many illegal land plots have been transformed into park green spaces, basically completing ecological restoration and governance.

Qinghai Muli mining area carried out slope shaping and grass regreening of the slag mountain, carried out slope treatment and backfilling of the mining pit, and completed the main project of mine treatment.

Jilin banned the illegal golf course in Changbaishan, demolished 93 buildings and 187 sets of illegal villas, and completed ecological restoration by returning forests and regreening.

The rectification and reform tasks in Qilihai in Tianjin, Fengshan in Guangxi, Jinyun Mountain in Chongqing, Kalameli Mountain in Xinjiang, and Tengger Desert have been completed in stages.

The rectification and reform of the problem of direct discharge of wastewater from the tailings reservoir of the Fengshan copper mine of China Nonferrous Metal Daye Company is steadily advancing.

The rule of law also plays an important role in identifying problems, making immediate changes, completing rectification tasks with high quality, and compacting responsibilities through accountability.

It is understood that the central ecological environmental protection inspectors pay attention to supervision according to law, firmly establish the concept of rule of law, use the rule of law methods, strictly implement the "Central Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision Work Regulations" and "Central Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision and Rectification Work Measures", and formulate 110 system norms and template paradigms to make inspectors have rules to follow and ensure that the inspection results can withstand the test of history and practice. At the same time, it clearly prohibits "one-size-fits-all" and abusive accountability, and requires local governments to take simple and crude actions such as emergency shutdown and production stoppage, as well as perfunctory response practices such as "all shutdowns" and "stop before speaking", and seriously investigate and deal with them. (Rule of Law Daily)