In his appeal, the political scientist noted that in accordance with the law, citizens who have a debt of more than 10 thousand rubles for alimony, compensation for property and moral damage, and so on, as well as those who have a debt of more than 30 thousand rubles for other requirements, may be temporarily restricted from leaving Russia.

At the end of 2022, travel abroad was thus restricted for 8 million citizens, according to statistics from the Federal Bailiff Service. This figure was a record for the last 15 years.

The amounts of debt covering travel abroad were last revised in 2017 and do not take into account inflation over the past six years. Currently, these amounts are not significant and cannot become a reason why people will hide from paying debt outside national jurisdiction, Orlov noted.

At the same time, the existing conditions for the prohibition of travel abroad for debtors create significant difficulties for millions of citizens, increase the burden on bailiffs and border services.

"In this regard, I ask you to consider the advisability of amending federal legislation in terms of increasing the amount of debt from 10 and 30 thousand rubles to 50 and 100 thousand rubles, respectively, to introduce a temporary restriction on travel outside Russia," the text of the appeal says.

Earlier it became known that residents of the new regions of Russia will not be charged debts to Ukrainian banks.