• In March Urdangarin returns from vacation to the scene of the scandal that led him to jail
  • Getaway Iñaki Urdangarin: the former duke clings to being the privileged 'brother-in-law'

Iñaki Urdangarin and Ainhoa Armentia could be going through a couple crisis. Perhaps, even, a rupture. As reported by the magazine Semana in its first issue of July, the girlfriend of the former brother-in-law of Felipe VI has enjoyed a family vacation in Alicante without any trace of the man she is in love with. Or was. As a source close to both assures, the distance between them is such that it is not ruled out that they have ended their courtship, but there is still no proof of that.

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Irene Urdangarin: the 18 years of the good student and beauty of the King's family

  • Writing: CONSUELO FONT

Irene Urdangarin: the 18 years of the good student and beauty of the King's family

In Geneva.

The reunion of the Urdangarin Borbón, a broken family that needs to understand each other


The reunion of the Urdangarin Borbón, a broken family that needs to understand each other

The publication also assures that since the graduation of his daughter Irene, Iñaki has not been seen by Vitoria. Neither with nor without Ainhoa. Something that draws attention, since it is there where he has fixed his residence and where his mother did return after the meeting with the Bourbons in Geneva. With this situation, the doubt would be whether the love story between Urdangarin and Armentia has really come or is coming to an end or if, on the contrary, everything continues as usual but they have opted for a profile marked by total discretion until the former Duke of Palma manages to sign the divorce agreement for which he has been fighting for months.

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For the specialized press in the Royal House, the graduation of the youngest of Iñaki and Cristina would be an important turning point when it comes to dissolving the marriage. In addition, the meeting between the former handball player with his still political family, especially with Don Juan Carlos, was also going to serve to finish smoothing some conditions in his definitive departure from the Bourbons. If all that was like that and Iñaki left Geneva with an agreement under his arm, it is something that has not yet transcended.

Thus, it is striking that after being seen and photographed with Victoria Federica, Froilán, the Infanta Elena, Doña Sofía, Don Juan Carlos and also his ex, the Infanta Cristina, in a closer attitude than expected, Iñaki Urdangarin has not done the same with the woman of whom, at least as far as is known, He is in love.

  • Iñaki Urdangarin
  • Couple relationships

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