The presentation of the lists of the PP in Madrid for the general elections of 23J to the Congress and the Senate has ended up becoming a declaration of intentions of the national president of the party and head of the list, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to "extend" the policies of the capital to the "rest of Spain". From "the austerity" of the new regional government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, which has reduced senior positions by 26%, to fiscal policies focused on tax cuts.

"Madrid is a good example of what we want to do throughout the country, it is an example that lowering taxes invests more," said the popular leader, who has influenced, above all, the aspect of the Community and the City of Madrid have "a strong Government, in one piece" after their absolute majorities in the regional and general elections. "That is also our political model," said Feijóo, who has shied away from having "a puzzle of contradictory programs" at the national level, referring to the current Government of Pedro Sánchez.


That strong government that Madrid has is the one that Spain needs, so we have come to tell you that we are going to leave our skin for Madrid, which is the same as leaving it for Spain, "said Feijóo, who has delved into that if the PP gets the seats planned in the capital, "there will be a change in Spain." "We are going to win the elections, but we know that in this Spain today there is a candidate who presents himself with the intention of being president without winning them," said the popular president, who has again pointed out that in Spain the most voted list should govern. "The one who loses the elections does not deserve to govern, the president of the Government of Spain must have proven to have won at the polls for such great dignity."

Harder had previously been the intervention of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, when she indicated that "sanchismo is sentenced". "Neither Tezanos, nor the heat, nor the weeping homilies on the television sets are going to cover the truth," said the regional leader, who added that "there is much that Madrid still has to say in these transcendental weeks" "Sanchismo, as the president said – lies, manipulation and evil – comes to an end on July 23."

"On May 28 Sánchez resigned as president of the Government and took us to elections, the jury of Madrid was definitive and can not take it anymore in the Moncloa, he has exhausted his credit. Madrid was up to the task and what happens in Madrid resonates throughout Spain, a president of the Government as it is due can not operate against his capital or promote divisions among its citizens, "insisted Ayuso, who also stressed that the capital "has shown the exit door" to the current Government of the Nation.

And for that to occur and Feijóo reaches Moncloa, Ayuso has affirmed that the PP must be the "strongest that is remembered" and have "the ambition to leave in inheritance the best possible Spain; with the pride of being Spaniards that we love". "We must build a nation where we are all free and equal before the law and opportunity. The challenge could not be more exciting, let's go out to win for Spain, "he concluded.

  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Isabel Diaz Ayuso

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