Invest more than 60,<> combine harvesters, "insect face recognition" system, unmanned agricultural machinery into battle -

This "three summers", the field is full of "science and technology"

Reporter Qiu Haifeng

wheat rushed to harvest, more than 60,<> combine harvesters rushed to the fields; Corn sowing, unmanned agricultural machinery equipped with Beidou navigation system for efficient operation; Rice insect control, "insect face recognition" system accurate monitoring, early warning... From "knowing how to farm" to "wisdom farming", this year's "three summers", the fields are full of "science and technology".

The data shows that at present, the harvest of staple grain crops in China has basically been mechanized, the machine yield of wheat, rice and corn has exceeded 97%, 94% and 78% respectively, and the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress has increased from 2012.54% in 5 to more than 62% at present, and more farmers have tasted the sweetness of easy farming and scientific farming.

"Our harvester has satellites leading the way, which is very efficient"

In midsummer, in the wheat field of Beijie Village, Zaosheng Town, Ning County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, combine harvesters shuttled through the wheat waves with full power. "In the past, it took at least 1 hours to manually harvest 3 mu of wheat, but now this big iron ox can harvest 1 acres of land in 10 hour." Zhu Pingfang, a major local grain grower, said, "The 160 mu of wheat planted this year were harvested in half a day, saving time and effort. ”

As the main battlefield of the national wheat harvest shifted to the west, winter wheat in Gansu Province officially opened in late June. Liu Wenwu, director of the agricultural mechanization management division of the province's Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that this year Gansu planted 6.1106 million mu of wheat, and planned to organize 1,4 wheat combine harvesters to be put into the "three summers" machine harvesting operation. "Recently, the number of harvesting tools entering our province from Henan and Shaanxi has increased significantly, with more than 2000,1000 combine harvesters operating across regions in Pingqing alone, plus more than 340,10 local existing tools, and more than <>.<> million mu of winter wheat in Pingliang and Qingyang cities are expected to be harvested in more than <> days." Liu Wenwu said.

Agricultural mechanization and intelligence are an important foundation for transforming agricultural development mode and improving rural productivity, and many places have accelerated the whole process of mechanization and intelligence as an important focus of vigorously grasping food production on the basis of promoting large-scale operation in recent years. Agricultural experts introduced that the summer harvest highlights a "grab" word, only by racing against time and racing with the weather, can we achieve a suitable harvest and fast harvest, harvest all that should be collected, and ensure that the pellets are returned to the warehouse. Especially this year, Henan and other places have suffered from serious "rotten rain", and the importance of relying on agricultural machinery to seize income and increase efficiency is even more prominent.

"Our harvester has satellites leading the way, and it is very efficient." In the Zhengda Unmanned Farm in Laodian Town, Hua County, Henan Province, farmer Li Baogen set the length of the plot, the width of the harvester and other data on the screen, and a driverless harvester and grain truck rushed into the field, "No need for a special person to drive, harvesting and loading grain all rely on the tacit cooperation of the 'brothers', and the harvest of 1200,<> acres of land is completed in less than two days." ”

Li Baogen introduced that after being equipped with the Beidou satellite navigation system, only need to set the parameters on the mobile phone, the harvester will operate autonomously, and the "Beidou Night Eye" also supports continuous operation at night, and farmers can remotely view the operation trajectory and operation area in real time and grasp the harvesting progress. "Not only Beidou, our unmanned farm also has new technologies such as 5G, which can realize unmanned operations in the whole process of farming, planting, management and harvesting, and we can plant thousands of acres of land at home." Li Baogen said.

Data show that this year's wheat harvest, mechanized harvest accounted for more than 99%. Among them, on the Beidou big data platform of agricultural machinery jointly built by the Agricultural Mechanization Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and China Agricultural University, more than 12,50 harvesters equipped with Beidou navigation were online, and a total of 5.30 billion pieces of their operation information were captured during the entire harvest period, with a data volume of more than <>T.

"Our smart granary allows wheat to live in an 'air-conditioned room'"

Machine harvesting is the first step in "dropping grain into the bag". During the "three summers" this year, in view of the high proportion of grain loss in post-production links such as drying, transportation, and storage, all localities have improved the technical level of post-production services and cultivated the "invisible grain field" of grain saving and reducing losses.

Environmental protection cleaning, tower lifting, entering the drying room, finished grain discharge... In Dayang Town, Qiancheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, truckloads of freshly harvested wheat are sent to the drying tower. After more than one hour of continuous drying, the moisture of the wheat dropped from 1% to less than 20.12%.

Looking at the drying tower more than 40 meters high in front of him, Wang Shouxu, head of production of Dayang Town Agricultural Service Center, was proud: "Our drying tower adopts advanced dust removal technology, using biomass pellets as fuel, and is equipped with four 4 kW large fans to ensure that the temperature of the drying room reaches more than 55 degrees Celsius." With this professional equipment, wheat drying gets rid of weather constraints, reduces the possibility of mildew, and reduces the loss rate by about 150% compared with traditional drying. ”

According to reports, in recent years, the State Food and Material Reserve Administration has arranged the construction of more than 5500,1000 specialized grain post-production service centers to achieve full coverage of large grain-producing counties and provide farmers with services such as grain drying and cleaning in a timely manner. At the same time, 8 million sets of scientific grain storage equipment for farmers have been promoted in various places, and the loss of grain storage of farmers who use the equipment correctly has been reduced from an average of 2% to less than <>%.

In the grain drying and storage command center of Qihe County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, an LCD screen scrolls in real time all kinds of data of wheat from unloading into the warehouse to discharging after drying and then to grain storage. "With the help of digital crunching operation electronic system, we have realized the intelligent operation of the whole process of grain storage, storage and outbound." Zhao Jing, the person in charge of the grain silo of Qiyuan Green Season Agricultural Group Co., Ltd., introduced that there are multiple sensors distributed in the granary, monitoring temperature, humidity, etc. at any time, once there is a high temperature warning, the ventilation valve can be automatically opened to cool down, so that the temperature of the grain in the warehouse is always kept below 25 °C. ”

The relevant person in charge of the Qihe County Agriculture and Rural Bureau said that Qihe is a large grain-producing county, and since last year, 15 comprehensive grain service centers have been built in 16 townships and towns, supporting the construction of 5000 intelligent constant temperature grain silos of 38,19 tons, with a total warehouse capacity of 0,9 tons. Through the application of "Internet of Things + intelligence" grain storage technology, the grain inventory is achieved with low temperature, low oxygen and low energy consumption, and the whole coverage of drying and storage facilities in the country's major grain producing counties is achieved, and the grain storage loss is less than 7000.<>%, which can save <>,<> tons of grain per year, and the quality and selling price of grain have been improved.

With the widespread use of smart agricultural technologies such as the Internet, Internet of Things, big data, and Beidou navigation in China's agricultural production, the scenes of farmers bending down to cut wheat and sweating and grabbing the sun during the past "three summers" are gradually being replaced by iron bulls rushing and cloud management, and farmers' summer harvest is becoming more and more worry-free.

"With the support of science and technology, this year's harvest is full of confidence"

The busy season of "three summers" is not only the mature harvest of summer harvest crops, but also an important period for the sowing of summer sown crops and the growth and development of spring sown crops. Switch from summer harvest mode to summer planting summer tube, and a new batch of characters appear on the big stage in the field.

"It can sow 8 to 10 acres of corn per hour, and the seedling rate is more than 95%." In the 400-acre field of Hua Hui Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. base in Fangcheng Town, Lanshan District, Linyi City, Shandong Province, Zhang Fuqian, an agricultural mechanic, is driving a corn no-till fertilizer precision seeder for sowing, "Compared with the traditional rotary cultivator operation, the power rake of the fine planter has obvious advantages in protecting the soil agglomerate structure and evenly crushing soil blocks, and only one seed is sown per hole, and the seedling emergence rate is higher than that of traditional seeders." ”

More than 200 kilometers away, in Lun Town, Yucheng City, Liu Xingping, a major grain farmer, is directing two strip compound planting single-grain supplementary seeders to operate in the field. "Instead of the traditional way of irrigating seeds in advance, it saves a lot of labor costs." Liu Xingping said that the replenishment seeder can achieve a single grain of 2-20 grams of water, and a 40-liter water storage tank can sow 1200 acres of land.

The relevant person in charge of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Shandong Province introduced that since the beginning of this year, Shandong has accelerated the research and development and promotion of advanced agricultural machinery, supported the integrated application of Beidou intelligent monitoring terminal and auxiliary driving system, improved the subsidy policy for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, and focused on improving the scientific and technological content and sowing quality of summer seeds.

"We have carried out preliminary calculations together with industry experts, agricultural machinery enterprises and agricultural machinery cooperatives, and in the production of corn and soybeans, by reducing the seed breakage rate, stabilizing the uniformity and depth of sowing and improving the sowing quality, relevant agronomic experts are expected to achieve an average yield increase of about 10% per mu." Wang Chao, deputy director of the grain machinery division of the agricultural mechanization station of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said.

There are big agricultural machinery, and there are new technologies. In Pidu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, rice is growing vigorously, and farmer Zhao Dongming is less busy than in previous years and more leisurely. "In the past, during field management, spraying pesticides mainly relied on manual work, which took seven or eight days, but now with plant protection drones, it can be done in two days." Zhao Dongming said that there is also a new technology - insect face recognition - with plant protection drones.

The "insect face recognition" mentioned by Zhao Dongming is an intelligent identification insect detection and reporting system. At night, the device can attract insects through lights, and then take pictures by the built-in high-definition camera of the device, upload them to the cloud platform, and identify the type and number of insects in a few seconds. The system can analyze and predict according to the identified results, and will alert farmers and agricultural management departments in time when the warning value is reached.

"In the past, I used to rely on experience to take medicine, and when I saw insects, I would fight. Now relying on the insect face recognition system, knowing the specific situation of pests, what medicine to buy, when to hit, how much to hit are very clear, pesticide use has declined, and food quality is also improving. Zhao Dongming said, "With the support of science and technology, this stubble rice has grown well, and this year's harvest is sufficient." (People's Daily Overseas Edition)