"No, no, no... This is not a dialogue, it is a press conference... come on! more questions", with a tone and a more than annoying countenance the mayor Vigo, Abel Caballero, answered a question asked by the journalist Javier H. Rodríguez, editor of the newspaper El Salto and former collaborator of elDiario.es.

The journalist's question about the hiring of a Guns n' Roses concert by the Vigo city council and that the Prosecutor's Office is going to investigate has caused a clash over the formulation of questions and the answers given between the mayor and the journalist.

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The Panel.

Abel Caballero is crowned in Vigo with a new overwhelming majority

  • Writing: NATALIA PUGA Santiago de Compostela

Abel Caballero is crowned in Vigo with a new overwhelming majority

At the insistence of the editor for the councilor of Vigo to give him an answer, Abel Caballero raised a wall with a "that question is already answered" while emphasizing, from the lectern with microphone, that the call was not a dialogue and urged him to ask his question ("ask two questions"). Then the mayor gave the usual answer of "it is already answered".

"That's already answered, that's my answer (...) I'm telling you that it's already answered," Caballero insisted before the perseverance of the editor to give him an answer.

Javier H. Rodríguez tells him that he has another question, but the mayor passes the turn to the journalists connected telematically to the press conference after the Consello and says that there are no more face-to-face questions ("they are finished") and asks that they ask him "telematic questions".

"You should respect the press conference," the mayor snaps at the journalist who, in turn, replies "and that you respect my work."

Rodriguez posted a tweet with the video of the tense scuffle, in which he accuses Caballero of "obstructing those of us who want to do critical work." In it, the journalist is also heard reproaching him for cutting off his microphone at a previous press conference.

For its part, the Colexio de Xornalistas de Galicia reprimands the mayor of Vigo, the socialist Abel Caballero, for his "rudeness and contempt" to journalists who ask uncomfortable questions at the press conferences of the City Council

The mayor of Vigo said, when asked about this issue at the end of June that the call for the public contest to sponsor the Guns N Roses concert was processed "as the technicians of the City Council said", reports Europa Press.

At that time, he already avoided answering questions from the media about whether, as maintained by the promoter of the event, there was an agreement prior to the call for said contest, for the organization of that concert, with the commitment to cede the municipal stadium and give economic support.

  • Abel Caballero

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