(A closer look at China) quoted Tagore's famous words to advocate cooperation, and Xi Jinping talked about the original intention of the SCO

Beijing, 7 Jul (ZXS) -- "The Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore said: 'Faith spurs people to bravely face the unknown.' ’”

On the 4th, the <>rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was held, and Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech in Beijing. In his speech, he quoted Tagore's famous quote and said that we should shoulder the heavy responsibility entrusted by the times, keep in mind our original mission, adhere to unity and cooperation, and inject more certainty and positive energy into safeguarding world peace and development.

Today's world is chaotic and intertwined, the evolution of a century of changes is accelerating, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges, "unity or division?" Peace or conflict? Cooperation or confrontation? The question of the times has once again become a "must-answer question" before the SCO member states.

"My answer is that the yearning of the people of all countries for a better life is our pursuit, and the trend of the times of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results is unstoppable." Xi Jinping said so in his speech.

"This answer condenses the greatest common divisor of the SCO and expresses the original mission of the SCO." Sun Zhuangzhi, director of the Institute of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that this is in line with the "Shanghai spirit" and is the belief that the SCO should uphold, which condenses the positive energy of the SCO to solve the problems of the times.

Since its establishment, the SCO has adhered to this original intention, and the member states have cooperated and supported each other, and the overall level of cooperation has been continuously improved, becoming a model of regional and international cooperation.

Some commentators believe that the SCO is not without differences, but there is a stronger force and a more resilient link that brings everyone together, that is, everyone's yearning for a better life and the pursuit of peace, development, cooperation and win-win times. Therefore, the "circle of friends" of the SCO has become wider and more attractive.

The summit accepted Iran as a member state and signed a memorandum of understanding on Belarus' obligations to join the SCO, which also demonstrated the vitality of the SCO family. Ali Nemati, Minister Counsellor of the Iranian Embassy in China, said that after joining the SCO, Iran can give play to its unique geographical advantages and promote trade cooperation between East and West. At the same time, in terms of energy, counter-terrorism cooperation, people-to-people exchanges, etc., the SCO will bring Iran many opportunities.

From the initial 6 member states to covering 26 countries, from the "two-wheel drive" of security and economic cooperation to the multi-track progress of the "four communities" of health, safety, development and humanities, the development of the SCO once again stands at a new starting point.

Focusing on the development opportunities and risks and challenges facing the SCO, Xi Jinping put forward five suggestions in his speech: firmly in the right direction and enhance unity and mutual trust; Maintain regional peace and ensure common security; Focus on pragmatic cooperation to accelerate economic recovery; Strengthen exchanges and mutual learning and promote people-to-people bonds; Practice multilateralism and improve global governance.

"Advocate using dialogue to bridge differences and surpass competition with cooperation", "oppose 'building walls and building barriers', 'decoupling and breaking chains', and strive to make the 'cake' of mutually beneficial cooperation bigger"... Experts on international issues here believe that China's proposal emphasizes unity and mutual trust to achieve common security and common development, and the meaning of "cooperation" and "harmony" is prominent.

Li Yongquan, President of the China-Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Society, pointed out that solidarity and mutual trust are an important prerequisite and foundation for the development of the SCO, and common security is the universal aspiration of the peoples of all countries, and it is also a necessary condition for promoting economic development and personnel exchanges among the SCO member states. At the same time, economic prosperity and civilizational exchanges and mutual learning will also help member states enhance solidarity, mutual trust, achieve common security, and promote the continuous development and growth of the SCO, so as to better safeguard international fairness and justice and promote lasting peace.

At the same time, in the five-point proposal, Xi Jinping once again proposed the implementation of the Global Security Initiative, the Global Development Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. Sun Zhuangzhi said that the three major initiatives are important public goods provided by China to the world, and China's expression of positive willingness to work with all parties to implement the three initiatives not only has an important positive impact on the SCO, but also helps to further enrich the connotation of China's plans and initiatives.

The proposal of a series of specific measures also demonstrates the sincerity of China and the SCO member states in seeking common development: expanding the share of local currency settlement in the SCO countries; promoting the establishment of the SCO Development Bank; In the next three years, China will provide 3,1000 scholarships for international Chinese teachers and 3000,100 "Chinese Bridge" summer camps to SCO countries, and invite <> young scientists to participate in scientific research exchanges in China... Specific measures covering many fields such as economy and trade, humanities and other fields are both long-term and pragmatic and feasible. According to the outside world, this is in line with the development needs of all countries and demonstrates China's leading role as a founding member.

Destiny is shared, and the SCO goes first. At present, the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind has been widely recognized and supported by the international community, and is transforming from concept to action and from vision to reality. At the summit, Xi Jinping said, "In this process, the SCO is at the forefront of the times, adhering to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, carrying forward the 'Shanghai spirit', and building a community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization." ”

To build a community with a shared future, the SCO is a pioneer. To jointly build the "Belt and Road", the SCO is also a pioneer. This year is also the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and China will host the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. Xi Jinping issued an invitation in his speech: "Welcome all parties to participate in the forum activities and jointly pave this road of happiness that benefits the world wider and farther." ”

The road is not alone, and everyone goes far. From the SCO to the world, Xi Jinping also once again issued an "invitation" on Chinese-style modernization: "We are willing to provide new development opportunities for all countries in the world, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries, with the new achievements of Chinese-style modernization, and promote the construction of a better world." ”

"China has always been willing to share its own development opportunities and is committed to becoming a reliable partner in the development and revitalization of SCO member states." Li Yongquan believes that China has also continuously gathered the joint forces of Shanghai Cooperation and development with tangible practical actions, and continuously injected positive energy into building a better world. (End)