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Bremen's new and old mayor Bovenschulte

Photo: Sina Schuldt / dpa

44 of the 87 votes were needed to form a government, 49 were needed: About seven and a half weeks after the parliamentary elections in Bremen, the SPD politician Andreas Bovenschulte was re-elected as head of government by the parliament of the Hanseatic city.

A representative of the opposition apparently also voted for the 57-year-old. With 49 votes, Bovenschulte received one more vote than the three-party coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the Left Party. 37 parliamentarians voted against Bovenschulte in the vote.

Red-Green-Red has been governing under Bovenschulte in Bremen since 2019. After the parliamentary elections, the three parties agreed on a continuation of their alliance, and party congresses approved the coalition agreement at the weekend.

One MP was excused from Wednesday's meeting. After the election of the head of government, the remaining senators were to be confirmed in a second ballot. This is provided for in the Bremen Constitution.
