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After years of speculation, Tosca Musk (48), Elon Musk's sister, has reached its limit. The filmmaker is often asked if the tycoon collaborates with her economy and she had always answered ambiguities. But now he has decided to speak loud and clear. "Everyone assumes that my elder brother pays for everything. But it's not," he told the Daily Mail.

"Answering these kinds of questions is a double-edged sword for me. If I say that my brother does not help me, they will say that he does not support me and if I say that he does help me, they will think that he paid for everything, "he revealed in an interview, in which according to the interviewer Tosca avoided talking about Elon, because "it is exhausting".

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"It happens all the time, everyone asks me about him. But I have a well-tuned detector and I know in advance when people want to know something, so I don't let them go that far. My answer, when it comes to this issue, is always 'no,'" he said. However, Tosca has spoken about her brother. And on numerous occasions. For example, in 2020, the producer and director said she has never considered asking for a loan.

"If I had asked him for money for a project, he would have said no," she told a newspaper. Still, it's not that the eccentric millionaire is inattentive to his sister. On the contrary, they have produced films together, they get along very well and she has always defended him when the press has turned against him.

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"I don't understand why people say negative things about Elon. I'm incredibly proud of him. It is a phenomenon. He is exceptional in many ways and his efforts to help humanity are greater than anyone can imagine," he told The Times in June last year.

Despite this, much of the interviews that Tosca gives do not have to do, directly, with the owner of Tesla and SpaceX, but with his work. The South African, who also has Canadian nationality, owns a venture called Passionflix. It is a streaming platform, 100% focused on romantic movies.

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Tosca founded Passionflix in 2017. According to her words, she decided to start her company because she has always been a "fan of romance novels" and was "interested in showing empowering stories." "Passionflix focuses on romance, love and taking the shame out of showing sexuality. That teaches girls about pleasure and the need to ask for what they like," she told CNN nine months ago.

According to Deadline, Passionflix raised $9.4 million in a funding campaign last year, led by AMC Networks. However, Musk says he still needs more money. Recently, I was looking for a place to shoot a movie. I had been told it cost five thousand dollars. But when they heard my last name, they asked for 25,000. It's not fair, because I'm not the rich one," she said.

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Despite this, Tosca continues to dream and nurture romanticism in others. Although, in his life, romance is in short supply. In fact, her last serious relationship ended three years ago and today she says that no one asks her out. "My last relationship broke down during the pandemic and I'm not dating anyone. Maybe men are intimidated by my name, but if they are, they probably aren't the right fit," she said proudly this week.

According to Tosca, her parents' unhappy marriage has affected the way she views her own relationships. "My parents' marriage taught me what I want and what I don't. I wouldn't put up with abuse, negativity and belittling people," she said.

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"Maybe that's why I make films about love. And that fills me in many ways. At least, for now. Although what fills me the most is the love of my children, "he said of his twins Grayson and Isabeu, who came into the world in 2013, after Tosca was inseminated with donor sperm.

"I didn't want the commitment of settling down with a man I wasn't totally comfortable with. So I decidedto become a mother by myself. I advocate for strong women who have what they want... And I guess that means being a feminist, a modern woman," she explained in 2019.

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On several occasions, Tosca has said that her children know about the circumstances since birth. "From an early age, I told them 'you don't have a father, but you have a mother and a family that loves you,'" he revealed in 2022, in addition to revealing that children do not intend to seek their paternal origin.

"Maybe they'll look for that man when they're older. I have told them to look at it if they want, but they are not interested. I think they might meet the donor when they're 18, but I don't imagine they want to. Because, probably, that person is the donor of a thousand more people," Tosca told the Daily Mail this June.

  • Elon Musk

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