Stéphane Bern SEASON 2022 - 202318h00, June 20, 2023

Historically yours brings together 3 characters who fled Russia: the star dancer Rudolf Nureyev, declared a traitor to his homeland, in the middle of the Cold War, for refusing to return to Russia, while he was on tour, with his company, on French soil... where he spent the rest of his life. Then she too fled Russia with her mother when she was a child, to escape the Bolshevik army: Princess Hélène Galitzine-Mercier who eventually settled in France and became the model of a famous painter, Henri Matisse, who froze her on the canvas for eternity. And the one that the press nicknamed "Putin's masseur", a Russian oligarch close to the Russian president who left the country, without ever giving any sign of life: Konstantin Goloshchapov.


- Ariane Dollfus, journalist
Author of the biography "Nureyev the rebellious" (Flammarion)

- David Brunat, writer
Author of "A Model Princess" (Editions Héloïse d'Ormesson)