Nablus - The Israeli occupation announced the killing of 4 settlers and the serious injury of others in an armed Palestinian attack near the settlement of "Eli" between the cities of Nablus and Ramallah in the West Bank, on Tuesday afternoon. This was before news circulated about the identity of the perpetrators, who came from the nearby village of Urif.

From the first moments of the event, activists circulated pictures of a martyr drenched in blood at the site of the operation, and there was talk about the escape of his companion in the attack, while the occupation army pushed military reinforcements to the area and declared it closed to start chasing the other perpetrator who was pursued by special forces and liquidated in the city of Tubas, north of the West Bank.

Meanwhile, the occupation announced the name of the first martyr after he took a photo of his personal identity along with his body lying on the ground. He said he was Muhannad Faleh Abdullah Shehadeh, 26, from the village of 'Urif, south of Nablus, and confirmed this also by phone call to his family.

Muhannad Shehadeh left his house in the morning and his family lost contact with him (social media)

The phone is switched off

Abdullah Shehadeh, cousin of the martyr Muhannad told Al Jazeera Net that the occupation authorities, and soon after the spread of the news and the image of the martyr Mldrj blood, contacted his family and told them that their son is the perpetrator of the operation.

"The family has not known anything about Muhannad since the morning hours, he told them that he intended to go to work in Ramallah, and they tried to call him for hours but to no avail, as his phone was switched off," Abdullah said.

In Urif, the martyr Muhannad Shehadeh was born in 1997 to a family that knows its simplicity and modesty, and he is one of 4 brothers, and he finished his education in the village schools, then joined the Faculty of Physical Education at An-Najah University in Nablus, from which he graduated 4 years ago.

His cousin Abdullah says that Muhannad did not find a job in his university specialization, so he worked as a worker in several locations, and he has been in this situation since his graduation, and confirmed that he had previously been detained in Israeli prisons for 3 months.

His cousin describes him as a young man who is "religiously committed and known for his kindness", while his father, in his early fifties, works inside the Green Line.

In the western neighborhood of Urif, where the martyr Muhannad lives, dozens of residents gathered amid fears that the occupation would attack the martyr's house and his family, as Israeli forces closed the vicinity of the village, while dozens of settlers gathered at public junctions and at the entrances to the settlements and launched attacks on Palestinians and their vehicles.

Catch up with his friend

After a chase that lasted about two hours, Khaled Mustafa Abdel Latif Sabah (24 years old) was killed in the city of Tubas by Israeli special forces who pursued him after tracking the vehicle he boarded after carrying out the operation and liquidating him, and wounding another Palestinian described as moderate.

Khaled, who has seven siblings, was born in Urif to a simple family as well. He grew up and received his basic education before joining work early, and recently worked in a shop in the village.

The head of the former village council, Mazen Shehadeh, told Al Jazeera Net that Khaled, who married almost a year ago, was shot by the occupation army about 3 years ago during the confrontation of the settlers on his village, and described his injury at the time as serious and caused a disability in his leg.

Khaled is known for his religiosity and simplicity, and was as interested in memorizing the Koran as his friend Muhannad, and Palestinian activists circulated photos of them together. The occupation confiscates more than 1500,4 dunums of Urif land, estimated at <>,<> dunums, for the benefit of the settlement of Yitzhar, which includes a religious school that graduates extremist settlers.

From the site of the armed attack at a gas station in the settlement of Eli between Nablus and Ramallah (Al-Jazeera)

"Eli". Event Location

The settlement of "Eli", which took place this afternoon and is also known for its settler extremism, is perched on the land of 5 Palestinian villages south of Nablus (Al-Sawiya, Al-Laban, Qaryut, Telfit and Qabalan) and confiscates thousands of dunums of them.

Eli also includes the most dangerous military religious institutes in Israel, which produced many officers in the brigades of the occupation army, including Ofer Ventor, commander of the Givati Brigade and responsible for the Black Friday massacre in Rafah in 2014.

In the settlement, the "Eli cemetery" was built on the land of the "gorges" belonging to the people of Qaryut, and it is one of more than 30 cemeteries planted in the West Bank settlements, and the settlers build these cemeteries from an ideological ideology with the aim of establishing their presence and controlling more Palestinian land.

For its part, mourned the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) – in a statement reached Al Jazeera Net a copy of it – martyrs Shehadeh and Sabah. They belong to the al-Qassam Brigades, its armed wing, she said, stressing that this "heroic operation" comes in revenge for the blood of the martyrs and in response to the settlers' incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque.