Beijing, 6 Jun (ZXS) -- This reporter learned from China's China International Development Cooperation Agency on 20 June that Luo Zhaohui, director of the agency, met with German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Schulze on 20 June to make preparations for the seventh round of Sino-German government consultations jointly chaired by the two prime ministers. After the meeting, the two sides signed a three-year action plan for strengthening international development cooperation between the two departments.

Since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in 2021, the Chinese and German departments have actively carried out cooperation in the field of international development, created a new mode of cooperation between the two sides, and enriched the new connotation of bilateral relations. At present, the international environment is complex and evolving, the development agenda is drifting, and the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals has been frustrated. The two sides agreed to build global development consensus, promote international development cooperation, hold regular Sino-German sustainable development forums, and actively carry out trilateral cooperation in poverty reduction, climate change, agriculture and other fields.

The two sides decided to adopt a three-year action plan to take joint actions in priority areas under the framework of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote their cooperation to achieve tangible results.

Xu Wei, spokesperson of the China International Development Cooperation Agency and director of the Department of International Cooperation, told reporters on the 20th that the three-year action plan focuses on six aspects: First, the two sides are willing to establish an annual bureau-level exchange and dialogue mechanism to exchange policy guidelines, experience and knowledge on international development cooperation.

Second, the two sides are willing to jointly host the Sino-German Sustainable Development Forum every two years. This year's Sino-German Sustainable Development Forum is scheduled for autumn.

Third, the two sides are willing to work hard to implement the tripartite cooperation project on agriculture (rice) with the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and actively promote joint visits under the framework of the project; Further explore the possibility of tripartite cooperation in the fields of technical and vocational education and training.

Fourth, the two sides are willing to actively explore the design and development of joint training courses in human resources development, including renewable energy, green economy, promotion of gender equality, vocational education and other aspects.

Fifth, the two sides are willing to carry out joint field visits and evaluations on selected cooperation projects.

Sixth, the two sides are willing to give appropriate support to relevant academic cooperation on development cooperation topics of common interest, relying on their own professional knowledge and relevant resources. (End)