Sumar has withdrawn from the Senate candidacy for Álava the head of the list, Aitor Abecia, upon learning that today he has been tried in Vitoria for a crime of gender violence.

Sources of the electoral committee of Sumar in Euskadi have confirmed to EFE that Abecia has already submitted the resignation and that now "run" the Alava list to the Senate, in which were already the candidate for Mayor of Amurrio on May 28, Leticia Jiménez, of Podemos; and Ester Palacio, by Ezker Anitza-IU.

Abecia, who was listed as "independent", was the "star signing" of Sumar for the Senate in Euskadi, since until this Saturday he was the mayor of Zambrana representing a neighborhood list of the town that decided not to run again after holding the Mayor's Office for 16 years.

The candidacy of Abecia in Sumar had been publicly known today – the deadline for submitting lists closed at midnight on Monday – so it has been a candidate for less than a day.

The former mayor of Zambrana, who belongs to the independent political platform AIZ, was denounced in 2020 by his ex-partner for an alleged physical aggression that would have occurred due to a conflict between the two for the custody of a daughter they have in common. Abecia had the profile of independent, denounced irregularities in the plot of the 'case of Miguel', which affected the PNV.

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