Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: BERTRAND LANGLOIS / AFP 15:50 pm, June 20, 2023

On Tuesday, the Secretary of State for the Sea announced that the French institute Ifremer has diverted its ship Atalante, equipped with an underwater robot for great depth, to the site of the North Atlantic where a submarine visiting the wreck of the Titanic disappeared. The ship is expected to arrive in the area on Wednesday around 20 p.m.

The French institute Ifremer has diverted its ship Atalante, equipped with an underwater robot for great depth, to the site of the North Atlantic where disappeared a submarine visiting the wreck of the Titanic, announced Tuesday the Secretary of State for the Sea. The Atalante, on mission, should arrive on the area Wednesday around 20:00 (French time), before operators dispatched from Toulon plunge the robot to the wreck, which is nearly 4,000 meters deep. The missing submarine, Titan, began its dive Sunday with a crew of five and a 96-hour range.

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