Presidential election in the DRC: the government wants to meet the deadlines, despite the announcement of Martin Fayulu

In the DRC, opposition leader Martin Fayulu announced that he and his party will not file candidacies if the current electoral register is not audited by a credible, competent and independent international body. How to understand Martin Fayulu's position and how does the government react?

Patrick Muyaya, Minister of Communication and Media, Government Spokesperson of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Illustration image). © Ministry of Communication and Media

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With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

Martin Fayulu is not boycotting the electoral process. He recalls that his party's congress held in 2022 had already opted for participation. Today, he threatens not to be a candidate. He says he does not want a mock election and demands guarantees of transparency. "This time, we are organized so as not to let slip the victory of the population. Who tells you I'm not a candidate? I am a candidate in the real elections."

For its part, the government is not ready to give in to the opponent's demands and recalls the constraints related to time. "If we have to redo the file, we will redo the voter registration. How will we do it? We will have exceeded the deadlines, saysPatrick Muyaya, spokesman for the government. The electoral process will enter a decisive turning point from 25 June. The various candidates should rather prepare for this appointment and especially bring content. The Congolese are eager to hear each other's plans."

The opponent Moïse Katumbi presents himself anyway

For his part, Martin Fayulu has already launched a slogan. "For the elections next December, if someone ventures again to steal the victory of the people, Congolese people, the watchword is already given: you will stay out." Martin Fayulu's position is not shared by all the opposition. Moïse Katumbi, for example, confirms that he will file his candidacy and those of the members of his party.

► Read also: DRC: Parliament adopts the law on the distribution of seats but the opposition criticizes it

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