The number of fines issued for public urination in Region Mitt, in 2018 it was 199. By 2022, the fines issued had increased to 404. That's over a doubling, a trend that can also be seen throughout the country.

"Easier to write fines"

– I can imagine that it has to do with we simply have a new app in our phones. It will be much easier for us to write fines. We don't need the order bot blocks anymore. I don't think it has to do with any change in behaviour among the public," says Johannes Persson, municipal police officer in Hudiksvall and Nordanstig municipalities.

Municipal police officer Johannes Persson believes that the new app makes it easier to write fines. Photo: Barbro Sellin SVT

The Mitt police region includes the counties of Gävleborg, Uppsala and Västmanland. Since there are more police officers out among the public, the risk of detection increases.

Annoying behavior through public urination is called the order fine. You can be fined SEK 800.