Europe 1 21:15 p.m., June 20, 2023

For the eighth year, Europe 1 organised the Europe 1 Trophies for the Future to reward innovative, ambitious and daring talents, associations and companies that are committed to and contribute to changing the world of tomorrow. Discover the winners who received an award at a prestigious ceremony held on June 20 at the Elysées Biarritz.

The France is full of talents who actively participate in building a sustainable and harmonious society, around the values of optimism and innovation. With the Europe 1 Trophies of the Future, the radio highlights its nuggets, all passed by the show La France bouge, presented by the journalist Elisabeth Assayag from Monday to Friday from 13h to 14h. But the Europe 1 Trophies of the Future is also a ceremony during which eight companies or associations are rewarded for their innovation in a field. This year, there are eight categories: food, solidarity, health, education, mobility, environment, international and the CSR favorite of the listeners. Discover all the winners chosen by our jury and by the listeners of La France bouge.

Food Trophy

The Lyon-based start-up Bon Vivant won the food trophy! Created at the end of 2021 by Stéphane Mac Millan and his agricultural engineer partner, it aims to rethink the way dairy products are produced in order to cope with the climate emergency and the growing need to feed an ever-growing population. Their solution: thanks to nutritional yeasts and precision fermentation, it is possible to sustainably and naturally produce proteins 100% identical to those of the cow, and to create dairy products with the same taste of milk, the same texture and the same nutritional contribution without using animal milk. Bon vivant was in the running with Bric à Vrac, Ogust nutrition and Proteme.

Solidarity Trophy

Clic&Moi won the solidarity trophy. Born from an association in 2015 when Aaron Teboul was only 15 years old, it was in Paris that he developed Clic&Moi. He notes that today, 8 million seniors say they are overwhelmed by digital. The online services of companies, the customer area, customer relations, health, everything is dematerializing, but there is no support planned for this digitalization. A second challenge on the side of the "less young": 1.2 million students are in financial difficulty. To meet the needs of these 2 generations, Clic&Moi supports seniors in mastering the fundamentals of digital technology for 2023 and online services. Clic&Moi was in the running with Diversidays, Atelier Exuvie and Plateau urbain

Health Trophy

Lattice Medical leaves with the health trophy! Lattice Medical is a Lille company co-founded in 2017 by Julien Payen. It develops and manufactures implantable medical devices using technology in the field of autologous adipose tissue reconstruction. The method is based on the removal of tissue coupled to a fully absorbable implant after breast reconstruction, thus allowing to have the desired volume in a single operation. Lattice Medical was in the running with AgenT, Nabla and Ziwig.

Education Trophy

E-Dutainment won the education trophy! Created in 2017 by Clotaire and Corentin, known as "the Marmignon Brothers", E-dutainment is based in Berlaimont in the North. Being both passionate about the "American dream", they realized that foreign students spoke English better than us. It was after discovering the importance of streaming in education in the United States that they developed their concept that is aimed at individuals, companies and even schools based on a reality: the French love cinema. E-Dutainment was in the running with Atorika, BeSmart-Edu and Polymnia.

>> Find all the shows of La France bouge from 13pm to 14pm on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

Mobility Trophy

Ascendance Flights Technologies left with the mobility trophy! With their team of 30 employees, Ascendance Flight is working on 2 innovations: STERNA, a hybrid electric propulsion technology and ATEA, a vertical take-off and landing aircraft whose prototype in progress in 2023 could be displayed at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Ascendance Flights Technologies was in the running with Caps, Habelo and Urbanloop.

Environment Trophy

Geosophy is the winner of the environment category! Co-founded in Paris in 2018 by Alice Chougnet, its president and Jacques Goulpeau, its CEO since 2021, Geosophy is a cleantech company that aims to massively use geo-energy, which is available on 90% of the territory and could cover 50% of thermal needs. Geo-energy, or surface geothermal energy, is a local, sustainable, carbon-free, discrete and silent energy, from the non-deep subsoil. Geosophy was in the running with Bamboo for life, Néolithe and Sweetch Energy.

International Trophy

The trophy in the international category was awarded to... Team for the Planet! A start-up co-founded in 2019 by Arthur Auboeuf and his five partners. Their ambition: to raise one billion euros. Their objective: to identify innovations against global warming in France and abroad, and to transform entrepreneurs into businesses, by raising capital to give them the means to deploy. Team for the Planet competed with Gravipack, Provence Studios and Singulart.

Listeners' CSR Favorite

It was Colette who won the vote of Europe 1 listeners! Founded by Justine Renaudet, Colette has set up a system to help seniors stay at home as long as possible in good conditions by cohabitation by renting a free room to a young person. Colette was in the running with Les Copains de Bastien, Mouton Givré and Delivr'Aide.