DRC: EU lifts sanctions against Kalev Mutondo and Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary

European Union Foreign Ministers decided to lift sanctions imposed on two prominent figures from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kalev Mutondo and Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, both close to former President Joseph Kabila. They were subject to classic sanctions: being unable to enter the EU, freezing their assets in Europe and prohibiting EU citizens from providing them with funds. It was their actions in 2018 that earned them these sanctions.

Kalev Mutond, the former general administrator of the ANR in Goma, was targeted by European sanctions. (illustration image) © VOA CC0 Charly Kaseraka

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With our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

At the time of the 2018 general elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary was Minister of the Interior and Kalev Mutondo headed the National Intelligence Agency. They were under EU sanctions for human rights violations and obstruction of the electoral process.

Among the charges for which they were punished were "arbitrary arrest and detention of members of the opposition" and "disproportionate use of force".

They had both decided to challenge these sanctions. The Court of Justice of the EU ruled in March that the evidence presented to sanction them did not constitute "a set of sufficiently concrete, precise and consistent evidence" to establish the reality of the facts.

The ministers therefore had no choice but to lift the sanctions, but they maintain them for fifteen others, such as former Kinshasa police chief Célestin Kanyama or former interior minister Evariste Boshab.

This is a setback for EU diplomacy, but ministers say they are ready to re-issue sanctions against anyone who obstructs the organisation of elections in the DRC.

>> Read also: In the News: in the DRC, are international sanctions really effective?

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  • DRC
  • European Union
  • Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary
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