Phnom Penh, June 6 (ZXS) -- Cambodian students "immersively" experience the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival

Written by Zhang Xin Yang Qiang

Wrapping rice dumplings, tying sachets, weaving colorful ropes, making dragon boats by DIY, listening to Chinese culture lectures... On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, Chinese enterprises and Confucius Institutes in Cambodia will "immerse" with teachers and students from local schools to experience the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival.

On June 6, Jiang Xiaoyu, a teacher from the Department of Chinese of the Confucius Institute of the Royal Cambodian Academy of Sciences, shared a special video in class - "Dragon Boat Tour". "Dragon Boat Wonderful Tour" uses seven programs such as "Wang Feng Caige" and "Flying Dragon in the Sky" to showcase the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival in the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, and students can feel the beauty of the Duanyang charm and artistic conception of the Chinese nation through videos.

From the 12th to the 20th, Jiang Xiaoyu and his colleagues Zhang Xinci, Luo Yimeng and Kong Fenghua carried out Dragon Boat Festival themed activities in different classes, telling the story of the ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan, introducing the origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, instructing students to fold colorful rice dumplings with paper, hold a simulated dragon boat race, and tie colorful ropes.

Since its establishment 14 years ago, the Confucius Institute of the Royal Academy of Sciences has been an important window for Cambodians to understand Chinese culture. On June 6th, the Confucius Institute of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Cambodia and China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. walked into the Cambodian Smart Nest School to hold a public welfare classroom activity of "Love for the Dragon Boat Festival, Building Happiness".

"I love Chinese culture and I'm excited to learn about China's Dragon Boat Festival through this event." Menglark Eliyah, a student at Wisdom Nest School, said: "Today I tied a sachet myself, and the volunteer brother said that it represented good luck and health, and I was going to give it to my mother. ”

Wang Feng, Chinese president of the Confucius Institute of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Cambodia, said that this cultural exchange experience activity aims to let Cambodian teachers and students understand the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival and experience the unique charm of Chinese traditional festivals.

On the 17th, Mei Da, a water supply and drainage engineer of the Cambodia New Phnom Penh International Airport Project of China Construction Third Bureau, was invited to teach an architectural enlightenment course at Wisdom Nest School, sharing his experience of studying and working in Chinese architecture, and providing students with growth reference and advice.

"Seeing these students, I think back to myself in middle school. I think choosing to study in China and then join China Construction Third Bureau to return to my hometown is the most correct choice I have made. Cambodia is now in greater demand for Chinese talent, and I hope my experience will enlighten them. Meida said.

Noeur Monineath, a student at the Wisdom Nest School who attended the lecture, told reporters: "Today I learned a lot about Chinese architecture. I would also like to be an engineer. If I have the opportunity, I would like to go to Beijing to experience Chinese culture and see China's high-rise buildings. ”

China Construction Third Bureau also donated books to the Smart Nest School on the 17th, and the two sides jointly unveiled the school's "Building Certificate of Happiness" book house. "As a member of Chinese architecture, we must not only be the inheritors of Chinese architecture, but also the inheritors of Sino-Cambodian friendship." Liu Hao, head of mechanical and electrical engineering at Cambodia's new Phnom Penh International Airport project of China Construction Third Bureau, said that he hoped that this event could help expand the vision of teachers and students of Smart Nest School.

The Confucius Institute of the Royal Academy of Sciences also brought a lecture on the cultural knowledge of the Dragon Boat Festival and a variety of cultural experience projects of the Dragon Boat Festival on the same day. Esther, director of Cambodia's Wisdom Nest School, said that the event gave teachers and students of Wisdom Nest School the opportunity to learn more about the customs of the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, gain new knowledge and increase new insights. (End)