Responding Tuesday to a question from Renaissance MP Thomas Rudigoz, who denounced the violence that occurred between police and environmental activists during the demonstration against the Lyon-Turin rail link, the Minister of the Interior defended the decree dissolving the SLT by arguing that "no cause justifies the injury of police officers and gendarmes".

The demonstration Saturday in Savoie against the Lyon-Turin rail link was "prohibited" and this ban had been "confirmed twice by the justice of our country," said Mr. Darmanin, castigating the participation of elected officials of the Republic" in this rally.

Last Wednesday, President Emmanuel Macron had urged, in the Council of Ministers, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne to give the green light to the decree of dissolution prepared by Mr. Darmanin.

A few hours later, in front of the senators, the spokesman of the government Olivier Véran had assured immediately that the decree would be taken very quickly.

The Earth Uprisings had been questioned the previous weekend during a demonstration in Loire-Atlantique against the extension of a sand quarry, because of violent punch actions.

This heterogeneous collective made the headlines for its actions against the basins of Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres) last fall and in March. In March, the banned demonstration led to violent clashes between gendarmes and opponents of the reservoirs.

A few days later, the Minister of the Interior announced the launch of the procedure for the dissolution of SLTs, which proved to be very complicated legally, as it was a de facto grouping of associations and groups. A de facto grouping is not formally declared to the public authorities.

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