Chinese Premier received by Scholz in Berlin in a delicate context

The new Chinese Premier Li Qiang is making his first trip abroad, which brought him to Germany on Monday and Tuesday, June 20 before a visit to the France. Berlin and Beijing were able to resume, after the pandemic, government consultations bringing together ministers from both countries. But now is no longer the time for the development of trade relations alone. China is now seen as a competitor and a rival.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, in Berlin, Tuesday, June 20, 2023. AP - Markus Schreiber

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With our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibaut

The press conference of the two heads of government was limited to statements. Embarrassing questions were obviously not welcome. Flats were noticeable.

The new head of the Chinese government, who is making his first overseas trip to Germany, stressed the development of economic relations between the two countries. Beijing's difficulties explain this insistence, as Germany is China's largest trading partner in Europe.

Berlin repeats that it does not want economic decoupling as this market remains important, but a reduction of risks with a diversification of partners is on the agenda.

The new national security strategy presented last week speaks of a China that is "partner" but "acts against our interests and values". A message conveyed on Monday by President Steinmeier.

► Read also: Germany presents a first national security strategy that targets Russia and China

So many statements that go badly in Beijing. "I think most friends of German industry will not see China as a risk and will not accept so-called 'risk reduction' targeting China," Li Qiang said in his speech.

Olaf Scholz stressed that access to the Chinese market must improve for Westerners, and recalled the need for German correspondents to be able to work in good conditions.

On the central issue of the moment, the war against Ukraine, the German Chancellor asked his Chinese counterpart to use his influence more strongly on Moscow.

► Read also: The frankness of the head of German diplomacy in Beijing

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  • Germany
  • China
  • Olaf Scholz
  • Li Qiang