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Li and Scholz in Berlin

Photo: Filip Singer / EPA

After the seventh german-Chinese government consultations, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) expressed his satisfaction. He and Chinese Premier Li Qiang stressed the importance of dialogue and good relations between the two countries.

Scholz focused on the fight against climate change. "Let us continue the dialogue in order to understand each other well and to be able to meet global challenges together," he said in Berlin. He also announced a german-Chinese environmental forum.

During his visit, Li reaffirmed China's interest in expanding cooperation. China and Germany should "bring relations to an ever higher level". He referred to the "complex" international situation and the lack of growth momentum in the global economy. If we strengthen cooperation in science, industry and business, we will contribute to the stability of the global economy," the Prime Minister said.

Notwithstanding the debate about Germany's dependence on China, Scholz stressed that the German government is committed to further developing economic cooperation with the world's second-largest economy. "We have no interest in an economic decoupling from China," said the SPD politician. However, he called for improvements in access to the Chinese market and fair competitive conditions.

The Federal Chancellor also stressed the importance of human rights in the manufacture of products and in the supply chain. Consumers are paying more and more attention to how products are made. "Dignified production conditions and the associated improvements in the human rights situation are in the interests of both of us," said Scholz. China has come under particular scrutiny over allegations of forced labor by minorities such as the Uyghurs.

According to Scholz, Beijing should exert greater influence on Russia in order to end the Russian war in Ukraine. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has "a very special task," Scholz said. It is important that China continues not to supply weapons "to the aggressor Russia". He recalled his visit to China in November. At the time, he and President Xi Jinping made it clear that there should be no threat and "certainly no use" of nuclear weapons. This continues to apply unchanged and I am grateful for this common clear position.«

China's premier does not respond to the chancellor's appeal

During his appearance before the press, the Chinese head of government did not respond to the chancellor's appeal to influence China's "strategic partner" Russia. At the request of the Chinese side, no questions from journalists were allowed. China has not condemned the invasion to date, backing Russian President Vladimir Putin and criticizing the US and NATO.

Scholz called government consultations sensible. »Direct dialogue, personal conversations, real exchange – all of this is even more important than usual in these extraordinary times full of global challenges and crises.« This time, the meeting of the two governments took place under the motto "Acting sustainably together". Around 20 ministers took part.

It is Li's first trip abroad since taking office in March. From Germany, the new prime minister travels on to France. The Federal Government regularly organises intergovernmental consultations with close partners or countries that are of particular economic or strategic importance to it.
