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"Giving work to many people and also doing it with what you like, that is the wealth and pride of an entrepreneur." The actor Antonio Banderas (62) has broken a spear in favor of entrepreneurs by collecting the PEC award for the best Universal Ambassador of Southern Spain.

At a gala organized by the Association of Businessmen of Southern Spain (Cesur) on May 18 in Malaga, Antonio Banderas expressed his disagreement with the criticism that the business sector has been suffering from some sectors of the government of Spain.

"Entrepreneurs have to be pampered because they are the ones who offer work," said the Malaga actor during the interview conducted by the Cadiz journalist Sandra Golpe after collecting his award from the Infanta Elena, as indicated in a press release.

Banderas, who defined himself as an artist of the performing arts, argued that "real entrepreneurs do not think so much about the results accounts" but about the possibility of generating employment, and recalled that Cesur's award "overwhelms him a bit in front of people who are here today, some with families of several generations. It encourages me to believe in my land."

The actor from Malaga highly values the Anglo-Saxon culture for its high capacity for entrepreneurship and risk-taking, something that in his opinion "must be taught in universities; not just academic subjects, but a way of understanding life." Likewise, the actor acknowledged that during his stay in the United States he learned to "value" his land in which, he said, "there is a lot of talent." That is why he wants to provide Malaga with all the infrastructures he has known in Brodway.

  • Antonio Banderas

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