The Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the League of Arab States (Arab League) adopted a decision on the 7th agreeing to restore Syria's membership in the Arab League. After <> years, Syria returned to the Arab League, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres and many countries around the world welcomed and congratulated this progress. The United States, which has long interfered in the Syrian crisis and Middle East affairs, has sung the opposite tune.

UN Secretary-General Guterres said on the 8th that he hopes that Syria's return to the Arab League and active contacts with regional countries will promote the settlement of the Syrian crisis.

Anwar Garjash, diplomatic adviser to the UAE president, said on social media on the 7th that this is a "positive step" and that "the UAE believes it is necessary to build bridges and maximize partnerships to ensure regional prosperity and stability."

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova said in a statement on the 7th, "Russia welcomes this long-awaited initiative, which is a reasonable result of Syria's active return to the 'Arab family'." ”

The Iranian Foreign Ministry also issued a statement on the 8th, welcoming Syria's return to the Arab League. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Anani Kanani congratulated Syria and its people.

However, just as many countries welcomed and congratulated Syria on its return to the Arab League, the United States sang the "opposite tune".

Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the U.S. State Department: Syria does not deserve to be readmitted to the Arab League, and we continue to believe that we will not normalize relations with the Syrian government or support our allies and partners in doing so.

After the outbreak of the Syrian crisis in 2011, the United States brutally intervened militarily, plundered Syria's resources and imposed unilateral sanctions, bringing great suffering to the Syrian people. At the same time, the long-term involvement of the United States in Middle East affairs has brought great obstacles to the relaxation of relations between Syria and neighboring countries. However, with the evolution of the domestic and regional situation in Syria in recent years, the relations between the Syrian government and the Arab world have gradually thawed, and the voice of Arab countries seeking to normalize relations with Syria has become increasingly loud.

Haidar Gazveni: Syria's return to the Arab League has been welcomed and positively evaluated by many countries, because Arab countries are more united and more flexible in responding to crises and seeking development. Some Syrian experts believe that the U.S. attitude is to be expected, given that the United States has pursued a hostile policy toward Syria for the past 12 years, and for the Syrian government, Arab unity is the best answer to the aggressive attitude of the United States.

American journalist Farid Zakaria previously wrote in the Washington Post that there are deep-seated flaws in US foreign policy, making clever words for domestic votes, but not realizing the changes in the world. The current warming of relations between Middle Eastern countries is a reminder to the United States that times have indeed changed. (CCTV News Client)