Beijing, 4 Apr (Xinhua) -- During the Qingming Dynasty, some Chinese embassies and peacekeeping troops stationed abroad held memorial activities to pay tribute to the heroic martyrs who lay to rest abroad, as well as experts and technicians who sacrificed their precious lives in the work of aiding foreign countries.

Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Wang Yajun led all the staff of the embassy and representatives of Chinese institutions in the DPRK to present a basket of flowers to the China-DPRK Friendship Tower in Pyongyang, deeply remembering the heroic martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers.

In the morning of the same day, accompanied by an affectionate flower offering song, a basket of flowers with the words "The martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers are immortal" was carried to the platform of the Friendship Tower. All personnel bowed in silence, laid flowers in front of the Friendship Tower, and paid the highest respect to the martyrs of the Chinese Volunteers who died heroically.

On the 4th, the staff of the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam went to visit the tomb of Tao My Martyrs' Cemetery in Bac Giang Province, and Mei Shan, executive vice chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Giang Province, and Nguyen Vinh Quang, vice chairman of the Vietnam-China Friendship Association, went together.

Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo deeply remembers the more than 1400,<> Chinese martyrs who sacrificed their lives to aid Vietnam and resist France and the United States, praised them for interpreting the great internationalism and revolutionary heroism of the Chinese people with their precious lives, building an immortal monument of Sino-Vietnamese friendship, and making significant contributions to the cause of peace between China and Vietnam and even the region.

On 5 July, Li Bing, national defense attache of the Chinese Embassy in Laos, led embassy staff and representatives of Chinese-funded companies and overseas Chinese in Laos to visit the Chinese Martyrs' Cemetery in Sian Khouang Province, Laos, and jointly paid tribute to the heroic martyrs of the Chinese revolution who were buried here to support the cause of national liberation in Laos.

Representatives of China and Laos jointly laid a wreath and observed a moment of silence at the Martyrs' Monument, expressing their high respect and deep condolences to the revolutionary martyrs. Li Bing said that in the sixties and seventies of last century, in order to support the Lao people in their struggle for national independence and national liberation, hundreds of Chinese martyrs were buried in Sian Khouang Province and other places, writing a chapter of revolutionary friendship with their lives and forging an immortal monument of Sino-Laos friendship with blood. "We must inherit the legacy of the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the red gene, and strive to become the inheritor, promoter and practitioner of the traditional friendship between China and Laos, and the practitioner of high-quality joint construction of a community of common destiny between China and Laos."

The Chinese Embassy in Serbia held an event at the former site of the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the 5th to pay tribute to the three martyrs who died in the 1999 NATO bombing. Nearly <> people, including representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Cyprus, Chinese-funded enterprises, media and overseas Chinese, attended the event to lay wreaths at the monument and pay silent tribute to them.

Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo said that the purpose of remembering the martyrs on Qingming Day is to express condolences for the martyrs, and even more so to inherit the martyrs' legacy, and to draw courage and strength from their spirit.

On the 4th, the Chinese Embassy in Zambia held a Qingming collective clean-up activity at the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Memorial Park in Lusaka, deeply remembering the Chinese experts and technicians who died in the construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway and other Sino-Zambia friendship causes.

In the morning of the same day, Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Du Xiaohui led embassy staff, all members of the 26th batch of military medical teams of China Aid to Zambia, and representatives of Chinese-funded enterprises stationed in Zambia to bow in silence and lay flowers at the monument with the inscription "The Martyrs of China's Aid to Zambia Are Immortal". In his speech, Du Xiaohui reviewed the glorious course of the joint construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway by the three countries, encouraged the personnel of the institutions stationed in Zambia to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway, and strive to create a new situation in China-Zambia relations and pragmatic cooperation in various fields.

Chinese Ambassador to Algeria Li Jian, some Chinese medical team members and representatives of Chinese-funded enterprises in Algeria went to the Algiers Alia National Cemetery to visit the grave on the 4th. Li Jian and his entourage stood in silence in front of the graves of their compatriots and laid flowers to pay high respect to the deceased.

More than 400 Chinese compatriots are buried in the Alia National Cemetery, including diplomats and medical team members who died of illness, employees of enterprises killed in the earthquake, and journalists and workers who died of work-related injuries and car accidents.

On the 3rd, the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania held a Qingming Festival clean-up activity at the Chinese Experts Cemetery on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam, deeply remembering the Chinese experts who died in the construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway and the implementation of other China-Tanzania cooperation projects. More than 100 representatives from China and Tanzania attended the event.

Suo Peng, Chargé d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania, said that the Tanzania-Zambia Railway has made historic contributions to the economic and social development of the regions along the line. China and Tanzania should inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Tanzania-Zambia railway, continuously consolidate the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Tanzania, and make new and greater contributions to building a closer China-Africa community with a shared future.

Cao Jing, Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, led embassy personnel to Donggu City, Bago Province on the 5th to jointly hold a memorial service for the martyrs of the Chinese Expeditionary Force with the Chinese Enterprise Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, local representatives of overseas Chinese and Chinese expeditionary forces. The embassy and representatives of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese presented flower baskets to the Monument of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and all personnel observed a moment of silence in remembrance.

Cao Jing said in her speech at the event that more than 80 years ago, the officers and men of the Chinese Expeditionary Force went into Myanmar and fought bloody battles, won brilliant results, safeguarded world peace, and made important contributions to the just cause of the World Anti-Fascist League. We must remember the martyrs' legacy, inherit the patriotic spirit, and make unremitting efforts to build a community with a shared future between China and Myanmar and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

On March 3, the 31th Chinese peacekeeping medical unit to Mali held a Qingming memorial service at the Peacekeeping Martyrs' Square in the Gao Super Camp in the Eastern Theater of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSTAH) to mourn the loyal souls of the Blue Helmets.

The officers and soldiers stood in silence and deeply remembered the peacekeeping heroes represented by Shen Liangliang. Xu Lin, the leader of the detachment, said: "The festival is more motivating. As the main medical unit in the mission area, we will spare no effort to rescue and treat the lives and health of peacekeeping officers and soldiers with superb medical skills. (Participating reporters: Wang Chao, Sun Yi, Hu Jiali, Peng Lijun, Xie Hao, Wu Tianyu, Wang Zizheng, Zhang Jianhua, Shi Zhongyu, Zhang Dongqiang)