Al-Jazeera correspondent in Washington reported that the detailed and final report of the investigation committee established by the US House of Representatives to look into the events of the storming of Congress indicated that former President Donald Trump was criminally involved in a multi-armed plot to overturn the legal results of the 2020 elections.

The document stated that Trump did not restrain his supporters.

This concludes an 18-month investigation in which more than 1,000 witnesses testified and millions of documents were viewed.

The report was released days after the Jan. 6 commission referred recommendations to the US Department of Justice that Trump be charged with four criminal charges.

Trump, in response to these recommendations, accused the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee into the attack on the Capitol of seeking to prevent him from running for the next presidential elections in 2024, by recommending that the Ministry of Justice file “false accusations” against him.

Trump said in a post on his social networking platform, "Truth Social", that "all these actions aimed at pursuing me are similar to the impeachment trial, a partisan attempt to exclude me and the Republican Party" from the upcoming presidential elections.