Ricardo, a 77-year-old man, suffered a violent assault last week in his penthouse on Calle de Alcalá, in the Madrid district of Ciudad Lineal.

Three hooded men entered his home on the day of the Immaculate Conception, gagged him and beat him,

demanding between whispers and death threats "the place of money."

Finally, they stole nearly half a million euros in bills and old coins that he kept in a safe.

They also seized an electric car and his mobile phone that the National Police recovered this Monday in the municipality of San Fernando


The agents have several lines of investigation open for the robbery,

among them several operators and employees who have passed through the penthouse that Ricardo acquired last September in the Quintana neighborhood of Ciudad Lineal.

The assault occurred around 11:30 a.m. when the man was alone in the house.

He knocked on the door and he thought she was the clerk and opened the door.

There were three hooded people with caps and masks who pushed him to the ground and then tied him to the stairs.

Next, they tied him up and put a gag in his mouth, according to the man, who retired 16 years ago after working as head of advertising for Cadena Cope throughout his working life.

"They started beating me on the head while they told me: 'Tell us where the money is, otherwise we're going to kill you,'" says the man.

"They also told me that they had my wife and then they began to ask me for the keys to the safe while they hit me on the head," continues Ricardo, who suspects that one of them discovered the safe by chance when searching the back. from the attic


There was a moment when I wanted to die.

I couldn't take it anymore. They were cruel to me and also put a stick in my mouth so I couldn't scream and they squeezed me with the intention of drowning me," Ricardo says irritably.

The man victim of the assault six days after the attack.EM

What the victim does not understand is how the thieves managed to open the safe:

"I didn't give them the key, I don't know how they did it.

I imagine they would take something to do it. There I had my life savings, money that I have I've been taking little by little from the bank to give it to my children," he says.

Ricardo assures that, due to the accent, the assailants were Spanish, between 30 and 40 years old and 1.70 meters tall.

"They didn't look very expert. What's more, they stole my cell phone and the Police have already located it in San Fernando. I think they're going to get caught sooner or later," says the former publicist, who details that there is a list of suspects wide.

"I have been living in this house for two months and several operators have passed through here. But above all

I suspect the people who came to install the plug for my electric car.

I paid them half and they disappeared and made a very strange call," he says. the septuagenarian.

The assault lasted about 30 minutes and the thieves are speculated to have entered through the broken garage door.

"Before they left, they left me tied to the stairs. I was able to untie myself and call my assistant. Many policemen showed up at my house and then they took me to the hospital for the beatings they gave me," says Ricardo, who has security cameras in the house. that are only active when you leave the house.

His assistant spent five hours yesterday declaring at the National Police station.


They have been talking to her for a long time

, I don't know what they are looking for. I have lost everything. The money was not insured. I think they can be arrested soon, they must not be very knowledgeable if they steal a mobile and do not turn it off," he predicts. the man.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • National Police

  • Alcala de Henares