The teenager who posed with a gun in Bromangymnasiet's toilet has fired the weapon in several places in Hudiksvall.

On one of the videos in his phone, he is standing together with several young people in a forest in the Björkberg area on a June evening this year.

He first films his own face before turning the mobile phone towards the weapon he is holding in front of him and firing shots into the treetops.

Several of the people with him also appear to be filming as he shoots.

Two unknown shootings

This is one of several different clips from the teenager's cell phone.

But it is not until the teenager is arrested, and the police go through his phone, that they understand that it is he who has shot in the forest near Björkberg.

Residents in the area then raised the alarm on two occasions that they heard shots.

When the police search the forest, they find drugs, empty casings and unused cartridges with the teenager's DNA on them.

He is now charged with serious weapons offenses and drug offences.

He is also said to have been part of the extensive drug trade that is linked to a fatal shooting in Söderhamn.

The shootings at Björkberg have so far not been noticed, but both are on the police's list of the total of 12 shootings that have occurred in Gävleborg this year.

The weapon can be linked to more shootings

Chamber prosecutor Christer Sammens tells SVT Gävleborg that the cartridge casings found in the forest can be linked to a specific gun, which in turn is linked to several other shootings in criminal environments.

- This weapon was used in a shooting in Örebro and on a later occasion in a shooting in Gävle in August, he says.

Both the shooting in western Örebro and the shooting in Sätra in Gävle have taken place in criminal environments, and at both crime scenes cartridge casings are found that can be linked to the specific weapon.

Do you have any theories as to how the weapon has traveled?

- No, not exactly.

But it certainly indicates that it is criminal circles in which the weapon has wandered.

Watch the clip when the teenager fires the weapon in the forest.