• Justice The first conviction with the "yes is yes law", of a bodybuilder to a 60-year-old woman, also underlines the reduction of sentences for rape

  • Politics Sánchez defends the law of 'only yes is yes' in full controversy and will wait for "courts and the Prosecutor's Office to unify doctrine" to act

The Popular Party has already activated its parliamentary machinery to try to revert aspects of the

Law for the Comprehensive Guarantee of Sexual Freedom

, better known as the law of

only yes is yes

, by virtue of which judges have already begun to review sentences by lowering the penalties imposed for the commission of sexual offences.


popular ones

have the intention of presenting a motion, a non-legal proposal and another of law in order to reverse the modification of

the Penal Code

introduced by the

only yes is yes

law that eliminates the distinction that has existed until now between sexual abuse and sexual assault and the punitive types associated with one and the other.

The PP proposes to recover this differentiation of crimes and the penalties that they entailed.

"It is a serious error in criminal matters and, furthermore, it is a psychological blow to the victims, who recognize that their attacker has good luck. Many criminals are rubbing their hands together."

This is how the PP spokesman in the


, Javier Maroto, summarizes the controversy over the judicial application of the law of

only yes is yes

, which has already resulted in a handful of sentences that reduce the sentences of the aggressors.


Because judges must apply the most favorable regulations to those convicted, who are appealing.

For this reason, the

Popular Parliamentary Group

has presented a motion in the Upper House to urge the Government to "immediately review, through urgency" of the law so that "those who commit sexual crimes can have the same penalties as soon as possible." in force until September 2022 and that have been reduced with the current regulation".

Also in Congress

In addition, the PP is preparing two initiatives in


: a non-legal proposal urging the Government to review its own norm and a legal proposal that recovers the differentiation between abuse and aggression and the punishments that the Penal Code provided for both cases until the entry into force of the law of

only yes is yes


To support "the independentistas", the Executive uses the emergency route and now it must do the same, Maroto has judged.

"The damage to women and children is already irreparable," he added, but if the motion is voted in favor next Wednesday and the deadlines are accelerated, this "negligence" can be minimized, in his opinion.

"How can a government do things in such a sloppy way?" Maroto asked, for whom the new regulation "is worse than the one that existed."

"It's a good week for criminals."

For Maroto, this law "is the failed banner of Irene Montero and Pedro Sánchez."

"Montero goes down in history for making a law that allows all people who committed crimes to see their sentences reduced," she has come to say.

On the other hand, Maroto has announced that Alberto Núñez Feijóo will ask Sánchez if "he is going to continue reforming the Criminal Code to continue favoring members of his party and his partners."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • PP

  • Irene Montero

  • Justice

  • Senate

  • Javier Maroto

  • Law of Sexual Freedom

  • Politics