• The 25 criteria to select the best online master's degrees

  • The 10 best centers to study an online MBA

  • The best academies to learn languages ​​on the Internet

  • Ranking.

    The best 250 face-to-face masters

The Covid-19 pandemic changed our way of seeing the world and accelerated a series of digital changes that society had been demanding for years.

On the one hand, in the workplace, since in many companies teleworking continues to be a widespread alternative and one that is increasingly in demand by professionals.

But also in education, becoming the virtual option chosen by many students when pursuing their studies.

In 2021, 27% of citizens of the European Union between the ages of 16 and 74 opted for this type of learning

, according to a study by the consulting firm Global Market Insights.

The advantages of online teaching seem clear.

On the one hand, it

breaks all geographical barriers

, allowing people from different parts of the world to have access to a specific type of training regardless of where they are.

On the other hand,

it allows time flexibility that helps students to study at their own pace

, where and when they want, which facilitates their compatibility with work, as well as the facilities it offers for professional and personal reconciliation.

Its advantages also include that its prices are usually cheaper compared to face-to-face training.

In addition to the 100% online universities and training centers, other institutions have been added that have been increasing their catalog of programs of this type in recent years.

Although it covers an infinite number of fields, the bulk of the postgraduate offer is concentrated in the 14 branches that we have chosen in this publication.

On the one hand,

companies increasingly demand more technological profiles


Spring Professional, the Adecco Group's mid-level management and executive selection consultancy, published this year the XVII Report The Most Wanted, in which it collected the forecasts on which profiles will be most in demand and quoted during the next year in 13 strategic sectors.

The study concluded that both the most desired and the best paid profiles have in common their high technological potential,

which increases interest in master's degrees related to big data, cybersecurity or digital transformation


In the retail sector, to which all the companies that provide products and services to the final consumer belong, the most sought-after profile is that of ecommerce manager, linked to marketing in general and digital in particular.

Customers have become familiar with electronic commerce very quickly in recent years

, and a professional who helps exploit all the advantages of the Internet as a business channel becomes a differential asset for these companies.

On the part of companies there is also a significant demand for specialists in international trade in their search for more global profiles, as well as others related to the business and economic field, such as those

responsible for projects, finances, entrepreneurship, human resources and talent management. or logistics


Outside of these areas, educational institutions also offer a wide range of master's degrees in sectors with future prospects such as education, psychology and the environment.

For this reason, in this publication we offer

the five best master's programs in the 14 categories proposed below



  • DATA SCIENCE & DEEP LEARNING (MIOTI Tech & Business School)

    PHONE: 673 842 174 / https://mioti.es / PLACES: 35 / DURATION: 500 hours / PRICE: 14,750 euros.

    It is one of the most practical programs on the market.

    The training is complete: from the most basic concept to the latest technologies, through artificial intelligence, Python programming, the latest deep neural network modeling techniques, image recognition, etc.

    High labor insertion.

  • BIG DATA (IMF Smart Education)

    PHONE: 913 645 157 / www.imf-formacion.com / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 8,500 euros.

    It is co-developed with the technological multinational Indra.

    It provides a global vision of big data technologies and applied and practical training in analytical techniques for business.

    In addition, IMF has a collaboration agreement with the Colombian Federation of the Software and IT Industry (FEDESOFT).

  • WEB ANALYTICS AND BIG DATA (Spain Business School)

    PHONE: 917 191 000 / www.spainbs.com / PLACES: 35 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 4,850 euros.

    The core part of the master's degree is strongly tutored and will allow the student to put into practice all the knowledge of the program.

    The student is accompanied and guided by the master's director for more than five months.

    It includes practical workshops with the tools that companies use on a daily basis.

  • BIG DATA & BUSINESS ANALYTICS (EOI - School of Industrial Organization)

    PHONE: 913 495 600 / www.eoi.es / PLACES: 35 / DURATION: 450 hours + Final Master Project / PRICE: 10,200 euros.

    Very practical program, taught by active professionals, which allows the student to quickly apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

    It has 26 editions, updating both content and faculty in each one of them to guarantee the usefulness of the master's degree.


    PHONE: 915 048 600 / www.mbitschool.com / PLACES: 22 / DURATION: 500 hours / PRICE: 12,500 euros.

    The student works with real projects hand in hand with industry leaders and builds a portfolio focused on the demands and needs of the labor market.

    Each module of the program ends with a Consolidation Project in which everything learned is put into practice.


  • CYBERSECURITY (IMF Smart Education)

    PHONE: 913 645 157 / www.imf-formacion.com / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 8,500 euros.

    The degree is taught from the facilities of the Deloitte consultancy, which allows continuous interaction with the world of cybersecurity and permanent networking with active professionals.

    In addition, your students can access recruitment processes at Deloitte's EMEA Cybersphere Center.

  • CYBERSECURITY (INESEM Business School)

    PHONE: 958 050 205 / www.inesem.es / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / PRICE: 1,436 euros.

    Through this master's degree, you can choose to work in positions such as chief security officer, data protection officer, systems auditor, cybersecurity consultant or expert in secure web development.

    Use platforms like Hack the Box (HTB), Tryhackme or Vulnhub to train ethical hacking skills.

  • CYBERSECURITY (CEUPE - European Postgraduate Center)

    PHONE: 918 295 892 / www.ceupe.com / PLACES: 65 / DURATION: 600 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 4,786 euros.

    Designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge to implement and direct an organization's cybersecurity process or program.

    It has the collaboration of TÜV NORD, one of the most internationally recognized certifiers.

  • INTERNET SECURITY (University of Salamanca)

    PHONE: 923 294 400 / http://seguridad.usal.es / PLACES: 100 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 2,490 euros.

    The demand in this sector is very broad, which is why the Master's Degree in Internet Security at the University of Salamanca is 100% focused on computer security.

    The program is taught in collaboration with important companies such as Telefónica, Indra or Viewnext, among others.

  • CYBERSECURITY (ENIIT Innova It Business School)

    PHONE: 983 390 716 / https://eniit.es / PLACES: 60 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: On request.

    It is carried out in collaboration with Telefónica Tech and taught by experts from the main cybersecurity companies.

    The collaborating entities of the ENIIT International Cybersecurity Campus are CPII-CyL, TICs, CPITIA, Siemens or Hispasec, among many others.



    PHONE: 938 299 633 / www.obsbusiness.school / PLACES: 120 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / PRICE: 7,500 euros.

    It appears in the top 7 in Spanish in the International Management category of Eduniversal's Best Masters in the World ranking.

    It includes two modules (Cross-cultural management and Global eBusiness Strategies) that are not taught in most programs.

  • INTERNATIONAL TRADE (Higher European Institute of Barcelona)

    PHONE: 933 794 010 / www.iseb.es / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 11,400 euros.

    It is complemented by courses in logistics, financial management, planning and strategic management, and the Coaching and Practitioner NLP modules.

    It additionally includes the ISEB English and Managing Yourself programs, with content from Harvard Business Publishing.

  • INTERNATIONAL TRADE (Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid)

    PHONE: 915 383 500 / https://cursos-formacion.camaramadrid.es / PLACES: 25 / DURATION: 660 hours / PRICE: 4,990 euros.

    It is a title of international validity that has the endorsement of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid.

    This institution has been helping Madrid companies in their internationalization processes and exits to foreign markets for more than 50 years.

  • DIRECTORATE OF FOREIGN TRADE (International University of La Rioja - UNIR)

    PHONE: 941 211 210 / www.unir.net / PLACES: 300 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: On request.

    Among the collaborators of this master's degree, companies such as DHL, Seur, Meliá or Telefónica stand out.

    Students can earn the Diploma in Negotiation from the Harvard ManageMentor program.

    The methodology is eminently practical, based on the case method.

  • INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (European Postgraduate Institute - IEP)

    PHONE: 916 613 995 / www.iep.edu.es / PLACES: 35 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / PRICE: 14,576 euros.

    Nearly 40% of the IEP professors are doctors and 100% are made up of active professionals.

    In addition, thanks to the M@s Social Learning model patented by the IEP itself, there is a permanent connection between students and teachers, guaranteeing a personalized and flexible study.


  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT (EAE Business School)

    PHONE: 900 494 805 / www.eae.es / PLACES: 60 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 12,900 euros.

    This master's degree provides theoretical and practical knowledge to professionals who perform their management functions in different types of companies and activities.

    It is among the top five in Spain according to the QS 5 Stars and is in the top 30 in Europe according to the Eduniversal Best Masters Worldwide Ranking 2021.

  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT (La Salle - Ramón Llull)

    PHONE: 932 902 400 / www.salleurl.edu / PLACES: 120 / DURATION: 9 months / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 8,600 euros.

    La Salle-URL has just received the accreditation as an ATP center (Authorized Training Partner) granted by the PMI (Project Management Institute).

    With this, it obtains the double accreditation GAC (Global Accreditation Center) and ATP, positioning itself as a university center of reference.

  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT (OBS Business School)

    PHONE: 938 299 633 / www.obsbusiness.school / PLACES: 375 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / PRICE: 7,500 euros.

    The program has won four QS Stars and ranks fifth in Spain in the Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking.

    In addition, they are Authorized Training Partner of the Project Management Institute (PMI).

    The center also offers two exclusive courses that prepare to obtain the Scrum certifications.


    PHONE: 913 645 157 / www.im-formacion.com / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 8,500 euros.

    It occupies the second position in the 2022 ranking of Financial Magazine.

    IMF is a Sponsor of the Madrid Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and has live online seminars in which various professors offer a practical vision of each of the modules.


    PHONE: 932 377 337 / https://eneb.es / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 7,200 euros.

    This postgraduate program trains managerial profiles so that they are capable of aligning the needs of companies, reflected in the management of their projects, with the demands posed by the global standard of the Project Management Institute (PMI).



    PHONE: 620 921 615 / www.ucm.es / PLACES: 100 / DURATION: 90 ECTS / PRICE: 2,800 euros.

    It is the first master's degree in the world on its subject developed in an online format and in Spanish, reducing the training gap between Spanish-speaking professionals.

    Very practical approach with academic rigor and scientific method.

    It contemplates as key content a module of ethics, professionalism and integrity.


    PHONE: 900 321 322 / www.nebrija.com / PLACES: 550 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 4,900 euros.

    It has partners such as Genially, Educaplay, Edpuzzle and Google/Devoteam for the development of its Virtual Fair, which takes place in the metaverse and aims to create a public repository of resources for Spanish education and the world in general.

  • PSYCHO-PEDAGOGY (International University of Valencia - VIU)

    PHONE: 960 968 126 / www.universidadviu.com / PLACES: 540 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 5,640 euros.

    It allows specialization in school or socio-occupational psychopedagogy.

    Its faculty includes professionals in contact with the social and educational reality that provide constant updating.

    It collaborates with the Official College of Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy of the Valencian Community (its president participates in the master's degree).

  • NEUROPSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (International University of La Rioja - UNIR)

    PHONE: 941 211 210 / www.unir.net / PLACES: 1,200 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: On request.

    One of the master's teachers has been nominated, along with seven other university professors, in the category of Best University Teacher of the VI Educa Abanca Awards 2022. The program has 150 hours of internships (105 of them, of a face-to-face).


    PHONE: 977 558 098 / www.tecnologiaeducativa.eu / PLACES: 20 per university / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 2,200 euros.

    This master's degree is a benchmark in the pedagogical sector in relation to specialization in Educational Technology.

    It is aimed at professionals from the world of training and business.

    Its added value lies in the participation of teachers from four different universities.



    PHONE: 938 299 633 / www.obsbusiness.school / PLACES: 205 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / PRICE: 7,500 euros.

    This master's degree has been distinguished with the quality certification for EOCCS online programs, granted by the European Foundation for Management Training (EFMD), making OBS the first 100% online business school to obtain this prestigious recognition.

  • DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Spain Business School)

    PHONE: 917 191 000 / www.spainbs.com / PLACES: 10 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 4,850 euros.

    The mentoring work of the master's director with the students and the tutoring of the rest of the teachers in each of their subjects stands out.

    Absolute involvement of the professors in the academic council for the preparation or updating of the agendas.

  • INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (ENEB - Barcelona European Business School)

    PHONE: 932 377 337 / https://eneb.es / PLACES: Unlimited DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 7,200 euros.

    At the end of the studies, a triple degree is obtained (master's degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, specialization diploma in Coaching and NLP, and the Business English Program Certificate), which is issued by ENEB and endorsed and certified by the Isabel I University.


    PHONE: 932 018 124 / www.euruni.edu / PLACES: Unspecified / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 4,750 euros.

    EU business School offers the possibility of taking this program, taught entirely in English, in a 100% virtual mode.

    Its faculty is made up of highly qualified academics, entrepreneurs, consultants and business leaders.


    PHONE: 923 294 400 / https://usal.es/titulos-propios / PLACES: 30 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 3,000 euros.

    The training is focused on know-how, so that students develop, in addition to knowledge, skills and attitudes.

    The degree is internationally recognized: upon passing the master's degree, the student manages his diploma and transcript with the Hague Apostille Service.



    PHONE: 913 942 634 / www.ieb.es / PLACES: 30 / DURATION: 600 hours / PRICE: 9,000 euros.

    Eminently practical master, taught by specialists in the sector for future or current professionals.

    It offers the possibility of on-site academic stays at the London School of Economics and Political Science, The Wharton School of Economics and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


    PHONE: 915 931 545 / www.eude.es / PLACES: Unspecified / DURATION: 1,800 hours / 72 ECTS / PRICE: 10,500 euros.

    It counts as collaborators with UCSG, UCM, UCJC, the Chamber of Commerce, TÜV Rheinland and Forbes.

    Its online program allows flexible learning and access to a virtual campus with a live community in which to interact with other students and teachers and have all kinds of tools.

  • CORPORATE FINANCE (EAE Business School)

    PHONE: 900 494 805 /www.eae.es / PLACES: 40 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 12,000 euros.

    The study plan has been developed by an advisory body made up of professionals from large companies.

    It has two different itineraries: Mergers and Acquisitions and International Taxation.

    EAE is associated with the Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration (AECA).


    PHONE: 938 299 633 / www.obsbusiness.school / PLACES: 130 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / PRICE: 7,500 euros.

    It is in the top 7 in Spanish worldwide in the Corporate Finance category of Eduniversal's Best Masters Worldwide Ranking, which supports its academic quality.

    It offers a global vision of the different functions carried out by the financial director.


    PHONE: 913 645 157 / www.imf-formacion.com / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 8,500 euros.

    The master is in the top 10 in the ranking published by Financial Magazine.

    Some of the companies in which their students work are Santander, BBVA, Acciona, Iberdrola, EY, Telefónica, FCC, Seat, Allianz, Cepsa or Indra, among others.



    PHONE: 932 256 102 / www.icil.org / PLACES: 30 per edition / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 5,000 euros.

    Students who pass the master's degree obtain the Ejlog certification (European Certified Logistics at the Supervisory-Operational Management level) by the European Logistics Association (ELA).

    It includes a week in Barcelona of visits to logistics facilities and meetings with managers who present their success stories.


    PHONE: 900 494 805 / www.eae.es / PLACES: 60 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 12,900 euros.

    The program has been designed and structured with a triple business approach to management and supply chain management, which covers these three axes: organization, processes and tools.

    It facilitates many opportunities for direct contact with companies and diverse sectors.


    PHONE: 913 942 634 / www.obsbusiness.school / PLACES: 300 / DURATION: 1,500 hours / PRICE: 7,500 euros.

    It has a signed agreement with the International Supply Chain Education Alliance (Iscea) so that students, once the program is finished, can take the CSCA (Certified Supply Chain Analyst) and CSCM (Certified Supply Chain Manager) certification exam.

  • SUPPLY CHAIN ​​MANAGEMENT (La Salle Campus Barcelona-Ramon Llull University)

    PHONE: 932 409 400 / www.salleurl.edu / PLACES: 60 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 6,300 euros.

    Its training focus is centered on several pillars, of which two are related to technology: international environment, e-logistics, information technologies applied to the supply chain and project management and lean logistics.

    It gives the option of obtaining the Senior Management level Slogan certification by the ELA.

  • LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT (International University of La Rioja - UNIR)

    PHONE: 941 211 210 / www.unir.net / PLACES: 30 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: On request.

    An expert faculty and new technologies and market trends, such as big data, blockchain, Internet of things and S&OP, are part of the contents of a program that trains experts in Logistics 4.0.

    The title has obtained the Celog certificate from the ELA.



    PHONE: 900 494 805 / www.eae.es / PLACES: 120 / DURATION: 15 months / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 12,900 euros.

    EAE's Global programs involve a large number of active sales and marketing professors and consultants, which contributes to offering global training to students.

    The companies that hire a greater number of students for this master's degree are Ford, Samsung, Vodafone, IBM or Sephora.


    PHONE: 932 377 337 / https://eneb.es / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 10,400 euros.

    At the end of the studies, in addition to the master's degree, a Specialization Diploma in Coaching and NLP is obtained, as well as the Business English Program Certificate.

    This optional business level English course allows the student to function in an international work environment.


    PHONE: 915 931 545 / www.eude.es / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: On request.

    It is a completely practical program aimed at occupying marketing management positions in companies.

    Students are evaluated for their participation in class (40%), reports (40%), quiz and mandatory exam at the end of each subject (20%).


    PHONE: 941 211 210 / www.unir.net / PLACES: 300 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: On request.

    It has collaborating institutions of great relevance such as Alcampo, Manos Unidas, Nestlé, Carrefour, AXA or Liberty Seguros.

    It offers the opportunity to use a CESIM decision-making simulator, used by large companies such as Endesa, Telefónica, PwC or Naturgy.


    PHONE: 933 794 010 / www.iseb.es / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 11,400 euros.

    It covers both the marketing part and the commercial management part, with a 360 view of the company.

    The program is complemented by two additional ones: ISEB English Program and Managing Yourself, with content from Harvard Business Publishing.



    PHONE: 931 593 373 / www.im.education / PLACES: 3,200 / DURATION: 1,800 hours / 72 ECTS / PRICE: 6,600 euros.

    IM is the first business school specialized in this discipline of high digital performance, through a unique methodology that unites training in technical skills with training in performance skills.

    The master is very well positioned in the specialized rankings.


    PHONE: 914 524 100 / www.esic.edu / PLACES: 100 / DURATION: 500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 13,950 euros.

    Students obtain a double degree from ESIC and the European Diploma in Digital Marketing awarded by the Federation of European Direct and Interactive Marketing (Fedma).

    In each module of the program there is a real practical case of a company, which transfers the briefing to the students.


    PHONE: 913 645 157 / www.imf-formacion.com / PLACES: Unlimited / DURATION: 1,500 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 8,500 euros.

    It uses a practical methodology and has teachers who work in important social and business organizations (Internet República, Grey, Lightbros, BBVA, Mapfre, Greenpeace, Endesa, Microsoft, etc.).

    The master's degree occupies the second position in the 2022 ranking of Financial Magazine.

  • DIGITAL MARKETING (Spain Business School)

    PHONE: 917 191 000 / www.spainbs.com / PLACES: 30 / DURATION: 1,800 hours / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 4,850 euros.

    Mentoring of teachers to students and practical workshops with the tools that are handled day by day in companies stand out.

    It has a large number of collaborators: Google, BBVA, BMind, Microsoft, Orange, Leroy Merlin, Cabify, Telefónica...


    PHONE: 932 902 400 / www.salleurl.edu / PLACES: 50 / DURATION: 9 months / 60 ECTS / PRICE: 8,400 euros.

    Innovative degree that combines digital marketing techniques such as SEO and SEM positioning or social media with other management techniques.

    The Barcelona Marketing Club, Marketing4ecommerce, eShow, Docsity and BarcelonaTechCity collaborate in the programme.


  • ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES Y MERCADO ENERGÉTICO (EOI - Escuela de Organización Industrial)
    TELÉFONO: 9134 956 00 / www.eoi.es / PLAZAS: 35 / DURACIÓN: 450 horas + Proyecto Fin Máster / PRECIO: 10.200 euros.
    Es uno de los másteres de referencia en el sector y sus alumnos desempeñan puestos de responsabilidad en empresas e instituciones medioambientales a nivel global. Se va adaptando a los cambios que se producen en las políticas energéticas y a las nuevas necesidades empresariales.
    TELÉFONO: 913 645 157 / www.imf-formacion.com / PLAZAS: Ilimitadas / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 8.300 euros.
    Allcot Group ha contribuido a diseñar este máster, que tiene el apoyo de la consultora Great Place to Work y la Asociación Española de Dirección y Desarrollo de Personas (Aedipe). Los alumnos que superan el programa reciben el título de Auditor Interno en Medio Ambiente según la ISO 14001 por IMF Smart Education.
    TELÉFONO: 918 295 892 / www.ceupe.com / PLAZAS: 65 / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 4.786 euros.
    Se trata de un posgrado oficial que mantiene convenios académicos con universidades españolas e internacionales, así como con instituciones profesionales de notable reputación. A través de la colaboración con TÜV NORD, permite obtener el certificado Norma ISO 50001.
  • GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL Y ENERGÉTICA (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR)
    TELÉFONO: 941 211 210 / www.unir.net / PLAZAS: 300 / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: A consultar.
    Cuenta con la colaboración de Aenor y ofrece la posibilidad de examinarse en Gestión de la Norma ISO 14001:2015, ISO 50001:2018 y Reglamento EMAS. Además, otorga el certificado de Auditor Energético en la Edificación y en la Industria.
  • HIDROLOGÍA Y GESTIÓN DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS (Universidad de Alcalá y Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
    https://posgrado.uah.es / PLAZAS: 90 DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 3.600 euros.
    Todos los temas son impartidos por docentes especializados. El 45% son profesores universitarios que han adquirido su especialización a través de líneas de investigación, en las que trabajan desde hace varios años, y el resto son profesionales procedentes de empresas como Centa, CSN, Imdea Agua, Sacyr o el Canal de Isabel II.

    TELÉFONO: 933 794 010 / www.iseb.es / PLAZAS: Ilimitadas / DURACIÓN: 1.500 horas / 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 11.400 euros.
    Cada masterclass emitida en directo ofrece a los alumnos, a través de métodos del caso, ejercicios prácticos mediante los que trabajar. Abarcan temas como la realización de una intervención o diagnóstico y aportan formación complementaria pero fundamental a la hora de desarrollar su actividad laboral.
  • PSICOLOGÍA CLÍNICA Y DE LA SALUD (Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos - ISEP)
    TELÉFONO: 934 877 777 / www.isep.es / PLAZAS: Ilimitadas / DURACIÓN: 1 - 2 años / PRECIO: A consultar.
    Aporta una formación completa e integral en todos los aspectos que inciden en la práctica clínica y es impartido en su totalidad por expertos en activo. Se trabajan aspectos teórico-clínicos actualizados, así como la aplicación de las distintas estrategias terapéuticas en función de los trastornos específicos.
    TELÉFONO: 958 273 460 / https://iepa.es / PLAZAS: 120 / DURACIÓN: 1.500 horas / 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 3.400 euros.
    IEPA está vinculado a la Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC). Su profesorado está muy valorado en la práctica clínica privada y aporta al alumno un valor diferencial muy competitivo en el mercado laboral. Sigue un método muy práctico, lo que permite mejorar habilidades y competencias.
  • PSICOLOGÍA GENERAL SANITARIA (Universidad a Distancia de Madrid - UDIMA)
    TELÉFONO: 918 561 699 / www.udima.es / PLAZAS: 160 / DURACIÓN: 90 ECTS / PRECIO: 8.460 euros.
    Colaboran diferentes centros sanitarios distribuidos por todo el territorio nacional. El máster ofrece dos periodos de prácticas externas, con un total de 30 ECTS (525 horas). Además, las asignaturas teóricas también incluyen actividades prácticas.
  • PSICOLOGÍA GENERAL SANITARIA (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR)
    TELÉFONO: 941 211 210 / www.unir.net / PLAZAS: 850 / DURACIÓN: 90 ECTS / PRECIO: A consultar
    Practicidad de las asignaturas en un entorno virtual: casos clínicos simulados, en los que el alumnado actúa como terapeuta y evaluador de la adecuación a la práctica clínica. Amplio número de horas en centros de Prácticas Externas, supervisados por profesionales.

    TELÉFONO: 900 494 805 / www.eae.es / PLAZAS: 100 / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 12.900 euros.
    Un programa innovador y un buen número de profesores y consultores de empresas en activo son algunos de sus puntos fuertes. Cuenta con un periodo residencial de dos semanas en los campus del centro en Madrid o Barcelona como complemento.
  • DIRECCIÓN Y GESTIÓN DE RECURSOS HUMANOS (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR)
    TELÉFONO: 941 211 210 / www.unir.net / PLAZAS: 900 / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: A consultar.
    Mantiene el enfoque en el empleado 4.0: captación por redes sociales, cuadros de mando, big data y transformación digital. Incluye 150 horas de prácticas externas en compañías de primer nivel como Telefónica, Indra, Ikea o Endesa (son prácticas corporativas online, en las que el alumno puede participar en un proyecto real dentro de la empresa).
    TELÉFONO: 913 645 157 / www.imf-formacion.com / PLAZAS: Ilimitadas / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 8.500 euros.
    El programa cuenta con el apoyo de la consultora Great Place to Work y de la Asociación Española de Dirección y Desarrollo de Personas (Aedipe). El alumno mantiene con ambas instituciones una colaboración permanente asistiendo a procesos de mentoring o seminarios de interés.
  • GESTIÓN HUMANA (CMI Business School)
    TELÉFONO: 624 014 568 / www.cmiuniversal.com / PLAZAS: 60 / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 3.890 euros.
    Ofrece la posibilidad de doble titulación, reconociendo una gran cantidad de asignaturas para cursar después el máster en RSC y Sostenibilidad, área en la que está especializada la escuela, o el MBA Responsable. Enseña a desarrollar estrategias aplicables a casos reales: team building, coaching y branding del empleador.
  • PREVENCIÓN DE RIESGOS LABORALES (Bureau Veritas Formación)
    TELÉFONO: 900 921 292 / www.bureauveritasformacion.com / PLAZAS: 150 / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 3.760 euros.
    Este título incluye el Certificado de Auditor Interno de Sistemas de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo ISO 45001:2018 (previo examen) expedido por Bureau Veritas. Las prácticas se realizan de manera online a través de la Fundación Universidad Empresa.

  • DIGITAL BUSINESS (Spain Business School)
    TELÉFONO: 917 191 000 / www.spainbs.com / PLAZAS: 25 / DURACIÓN: 61.800 horas / 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 8.500 euros.
    Este máster es uno de los cinco escogidos por el Ranking Forbes para Programas de Alta Dirección (perfiles con experiencia). El 99% de los profesores vinculados a estos estudios trabaja a tiempo parcial, ya que son expertos en áreas concretas que se encuentran ejerciendo en empresas.
    TELÉFONO: 938 299 633 / www.obsbusiness.school / PLAZAS: 205 / DURACIÓN: 1.500 horas / PRECIO: 7.500 euros.
    El programa está estructurado para buscar el equilibro entre los conocimientos específicos de las tecnologías digitales y el desarrollo de las competencias profesionales necesarias para conseguirlas. Este año han firmado convenios con organizaciones destacadas como Schaeffler Iberia o Cofidis España.
  • BIM MANAGEMENT (UPC School - Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)
    TELÉFONO: 931 120 865 / www.ucm.es / PLAZAS: 50 / DURACIÓN: 60 ECTS / PRECIO: 7.500 euros.
    La empleabilidad de su alumnado es del 100%, hasta el punto de que los que buscan trabajo al inicio del programa lo encuentran incluso antes de terminarlo. El máster está avalado por un consejo asesor formado por empresas estratégicas del sector. Además, ofrecen al estudiante prácticas y ofertas de trabajo.
  • INDUSTRIA 4.0 (SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos)
    TELÉFONO: 976 700 660 / www.seas.es / PLAZAS: 50 / DURACIÓN: 1.500 horas / 60 ECTS / PRECIO: A consultar.
    SEAS es centro colaborador de Siemens a través de su programa Cooperates with education, dirigido a formar en sus tecnologías y transmitir los conocimientos y competencias necesarias en el área de automatización industrial. Por ello, el alumno recibe al terminar el programa un certificado de la empresa.
  • DIGITAL INFORMATION (UPF Barcelona School of Management)

    PHONE: 935 421 800 / www.bsm.upf.edu / PLACES: 40 / DURATION: 60 ECTS / PRICE: 6,500 euros.

    The program has two specialties: one in Search Engines, Online Marketing, Positioning, Community Manager and Content Curator;

    and another in Usability, Interaction Design and User Experience.

    The continuous contact with experts in design, research and digital marketing stands out.

  • Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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