Anaïs Cordoba, edited by Juliette Moreau Alvarez 11:17 a.m., October 25, 2022

At 42, Rishi Sunak reaches the pinnacle of power.

Former Minister of Boris Johnson and ex-candidate for the head of the Conservative Party against Liz Truss, the British MP took his revenge and rose to the head of the country.

A challenge, while the United Kingdom is strongly weakened.

Itinerary and portrait of a man to whom everything seems to succeed.

The revenge of Rishi Sunak: an unsuccessful candidate for Downing Street this summer, he finally takes over as head of the United Kingdom after the resignation of Liz Truss and the attempt to return Boris Johnson.

He will officially become the new British Prime Minister after his appointment by King Charles III which will take place late Tuesday morning.

Fifth British Prime Minister in six years, he today embodies the hope of turning the page on the political crisis that never ends in Great Britain.

Ironically, it was he who had caused the fall of Boris Johnson by slamming the door of the Ministry of Finance.


 Rishi Sunak, a chance for England?

The first non-white head of government

Elected for the first time as an MP in 2015, who became Boris Johnson's finance minister five years later, Rishi Sunak has achieved a lightning rise within the Conservative Party.

At 42, he becomes the youngest prime minister in contemporary British history.

Son of immigrants of Indian origin who arrived in Great Britain in the 1960s, Rishi Sunak is also the first non-white British head of government from the Hindu community.

From a doctor father and a pharmacist mother, the young Rishi Sunak nevertheless followed the typical path of the country's elite: studies in a prestigious private school, then in Oxford, followed by a career at the big bank. investment company Goldman Sachs.

The politician divides the British

The wealth, which he acquired in particular by marrying the daughter of an Indian multi-billionaire, is perhaps his greatest weakness among the British who are bearing the full brunt of the cost of living crisis.

Akshata Murty, Indian businesswomen, holds shares in the Infosys company co-founded by her father which amount to more than a billion euros, more than double the fortune of Queen Elizabeth, who amounted to 420 million euros.

She has also drawn the wrath of the British: considered a person not domiciled in the United Kingdom, her income from abroad is not taxed by the British tax authorities.

A completely legal status but which irritates the English, weakened by a strong financial and social crisis.

Rishi Sunak is also a Brexiteer from the start, and some citizens have still not digested their exit from the European Union.

The new Prime Minister is still sticking to his pro-Brexit positions: he praised Boris Johnson's mandate on Twitter on Sunday, citing in particular his "good vaccination campaign" and the outcome of Brexit.

1/ Boris Johnson delivered Brexit and the great vaccine roll-out.

He led our country through some of the toughest challenges we have ever faced, and then took on Putin and his barbaric war in Ukraine.

We will always be grateful to him for that.

— Rishi Sunak (@RishiSunak) October 23, 2022

This summer, the budgetary restriction wanted by Rushi Sunak had also cooled some Britons, in particular public sector employees.

Nevertheless, during his brief victory speech, Rishi Sunak wanted to reassure the population.

He promised to serve his country with "integrity and humility".

On Twitter, he expressed his desire to "recover our economy" and "solve the biggest problems we face".