Pakistani refugee journalist in Kenya killed by police

Nairobi, Kenya, May 8, 2022 (Illustrative Image) REUTERS - THOMAS MUKOYA

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A star Pakistani television presenter was shot and killed on Sunday October 23 by Kenyan police.

Kenyan police say they "


" an "

unfortunate incident



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Ashrad Sharif was "

fatally injured by a police officer

" after his vehicle allegedly "

ran into a roadblock

" about 40 km from the capital, according to a statement from the Kenyan police quoted by our correspondent in Nairobi,

Florence Morice


At the time of the events, the police were looking for a stolen car and a person who had just been kidnapped, said a police report, without however clearly establishing a link between the two events.

The foreign press association based in Kenya considers the circumstances

of Ashrad Sharif's death "

particularly worrying " and urges the Kenyan government to carry out a thorough investigation, in order to assure the "

foreign journalists

" based or passing through Kenya that they "

are safe there


Lots of emotion in Pakistan

In Pakistan, his death arouses a lot of emotion and many reactions, reports our correspondent in Islamabad,

Sonia Ghezali


Videos in tribute to the star journalist have invaded social networks.

Many Internet users speak of a black day and greet " 

a true Pakistani patriot



You will be remembered as a man who stood up to all the mafias

 ,” wrote one of them.


What a high price to pay for telling the truth

 ,” wrote another.

Several voices are raised in Pakistan for light to be shed on the death of the man who was one of the acerbic voices of dissent.

Arshad Sharif was known for his criticism of the all-powerful army.

Accused of sedition, the 50-year-old journalist had to leave Pakistan and take refuge in Kenya earlier this year.

An arrest warrant had been issued against him following one of his TV shows during which a close associate of the former Prime Minister had


urged army officers to disobey orders contrary to the will of the majority

[of the people]”.

Arshad Sharif had also publicly shown his support for

former Prime Minister Imran Khan

, who was overthrown last April by a motion of no confidence and who has since regularly organized large rallies to demand the organization of early general elections.

The journalist had also participated in an upcoming investigative documentary, which reveals corruption in the circles of the Pakistani political elite.


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