Antonino Garofalo 8:50 a.m., October 24, 2022

Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the Italian far right, is preparing to officially take over as Prime Minister on Monday.

Before that, he will still have to obtain the confidence of Parliament, which should not pose a problem, given that his coalition has an absolute majority in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Emmanuel Macron has been in Rome since this weekend.

He will meet Pope Francis on Monday morning.

But he also took advantage of his trip to the other side of the Alps to meet with the new Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni.

An interview of more than an hour, in complete discretion, with constructive and pragmatic discussions, according to the entourage of the French head of state.

Giorgia Meloni is closely watched by her European partners.

Eurosceptic and affirmed sovereigntist, the leader of the Italian extreme right is preparing to officially take office today.

He still has one more step to take.

Last step for Meloni: convince parliamentarians 

He still lacks the confidence of Parliament.

This is the last step for Giorgia Meloni before she can actually start working.

She is therefore in the process of writing her programmatic speech which she will present tomorrow morning to the Parliamentarians.

And no doubt, the elected officials will bring their voice to it.

His coalition of the rights is in absolute majority, in the Senate as in the Chamber of Deputies.

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Among his priorities will be the urgent files entrusted to him by Mario Draghi, his predecessor: the energy crisis, the economic consequences for the Italians and the war in Ukraine.

His Foreign Minister has even already spoken with his Ukrainian counterpart to confirm Italy's support.

Meloni does everything to reassure its international partners.

From the choice of certain ministers like Antonio Tajani, the former president of the European Parliament for Foreign Affairs, or moderate figures in key positions such as Economy and Finance, or the Interior.