- The majority defends its "coherence"

The leader of the Renaissance deputies, Aurore Bergé, rejected the accusations of a "forced passage" with 49.3.

After debates "of almost 60 hours in the hemicycle" on the first part of the budget, the presidential camp chose "the refusal of the blockage and the stalemate to give a budget to France", she argued. .

The oppositions must say if they are ready for "a grand coalition" ranging from "the far left" to the "far right", she launched or, if not, "admit the obvious", that of "unnatural" alliances with the sole purpose of "bringing down the government".

While admitting "qualitative" debates on the budget, the president of the Horizons deputies, Laurent Marcangeli, deplored for his part that "so-called government parties", "which could have pleasantly surprised us", did not play the game of compromise, aiming in particular without naming it the PS.

His MoDem counterpart, Jean-Paul Mattei, for his part underlined the "long debates" which were able to be held in the Assembly before the ax of 49.3.

The president of the MoDem deputies, Jean-Paul Mattei at the exit of Matinon, September 21, 2022 in Paris Thomas SAMSON AFP

But he also brought back to the table the amendment on the "super dividends" proposed by his group, rejected by the executive, when it "was not intended to upset" the presidential line but to "say that , in a particular context, we can temporarily change some rules".

- La Nupes aims for "macronarchy" and climate "inaction"

The president of the environmental group, Cyrielle Chatelain, accused Elisabeth Borne of climate "inaction" with "zero radical proposals": "your planning is a masquerade" and the budget "a blank check" given to the richest.

The communist André Chassaigne for his part criticized the government for its "trembling and timid voice in suggesting to the Medef to increase salaries".

The boss of the PCF deputies stressed that he did not vote for the motion of censure of the RN, "carrying a deadly far-right project".

The president of the LFI group, Mathilde Panot, denounced the "backstage shenanigans" of the government to "evacuate" amendments on "super dividends", or refuse the taxation of "super profits" and the restoration of the ISF.

"The National Assembly is not the photocopier of the executive", launched the rebellious.

She also pointed to "faith of the prince" and "macronarchy" with 49.3, the "favorite maneuver of the authoritarians".

"You did not want another text than yours", also estimated the socialist Boris Vallaud, with the "stubborn refusal" of the government to retain measures voted by the Assembly such as the tax credit for residents in Ehpad.

The president of the EELV group in the National Assembly, Cyrielle Chatelain, speaks on October 24, 2022 in the hemicycle, in Paris JULIEN DE ROSA AFP

Cyrielle Chatelain like Mathilde Panot denounced an atmosphere of "end of reign", a term also used by Marine Le Pen, at the RN.

- The RN "does not fear dissolution"

Marine Le Pen had created a surprise effect: after having said the opposite in recent days, the boss of the far-right group announced in the hemicycle that she would also vote for the motion of censure on the left, finding it "acceptable" the text of the Nupes.

"I say it, so that no one even in high places is mistaken: at the RN, we are not afraid of threats of dissolution", she launched in an allusion to a threat brandished by Emmanuel Macron.

"If tomorrow we have to go back to the elections, we are ready for it," she argued.

Marine Le Pen was also alarmed by the "social crisis" and the "migratory deluge".

- LR denounces the "reconciliation of extremes"

"Should this government be brought down because there would be another possible majority in this assembly?", pretended to wonder the boss of the LR deputies, Olivier Marleix, doubting that "the bringing together of the extremes at work" goes "as far as proposing a government in common".

French MP Olivier Marleix in parliament on July 6, 2022 BERTRAND GUAY AFP

And "making our country even more of a drifting boat is not the Republicans' intention," he said.

"These motions of censure, nobody really believes in them, not even those who tabled them. But we will not hesitate to table one ourselves if the circumstances so require", he warned.

- LIOT refuses the "chaos" of censorship

"Recourse to article 49.3 always constitutes a political failure" and "weakens the government which uses it", underlined Charles de Courson for the group LIOT (Freedoms, Independents, Overseas and Territories).

But "we have made the choice not to support either" of the motions, "in responsibility".

It is a question of "not adding chaos to the instability" and of continuing the budgetary debates.

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