William Molinié (in Mourmelon), edited by Laura Laplaud 11:26 a.m., October 19, 2022

Faced with the ongoing war in Ukraine, France is strengthening its military presence on NATO's eastern flank by deploying Leclerc tanks in Romania.

Symbol of power, a first convoy of armored infantry fighting vehicles sets off and will arrive in six to seven days at the foot of the Carpathians.

Europe 1 boarded one of the Leclerc tanks.

On the 238th day of the war in Ukraine, Russia is preparing to evacuate the population of Kherson, where its troops are facing a particularly "tense" situation in the face of the kyiv counter-offensive.

kyiv, precisely, is worried about a critical situation throughout the country and deplores the destruction of 30% of the country's power plants.

For its part, NATO continues to strengthen its military presence on the eastern flank with in particular the sending by France of military resources to Romania to strengthen its deterrent posture.

Paris sends its centerpiece of the Army, the Leclerc tank.

A dozen tracked vehicles and twenty armored vehicles are leaving or are about to leave for Cincu, in central Romania.

Europe 1 went to the Mourmelon military base in Marne where the logistical maneuver is being prepared.

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The Leclerc tank, "a demonstration of power"

The 55 tons of steel and armor are handled with dexterity.

The Leclerc tank is positioned to the nearest centimeter on the holds of the tank carrier.

Last review and final adjustments before the big start on Friday.

"The key word: security, security, security!"

Deploying this 120 mm gun, flagship of the French cavalry at the gates of the war in Ukraine, is not trivial.

"Objectively, a Leclerc tank is a demonstration of power. To make rapid movements in the Sahel, for example, it is rather other types of vehicles that we will use. There, in this case, the sending the heavy tank is fully justified", assures Major General François Gogenheim.


- NATO: France strengthens its military presence on the eastern flank with tanks and armored vehicles

The first convoy will arrive in six to seven days

The first convoy of armored infantry fighting vehicles rushes into the Champagne plain.

In six to seven days, he will arrive at the foot of the Carpathians, 2,500 kilometers to the east, not without emotion for Brigadier Sevda, pilot of a vehicle carrier.

"It's true that crossing three countries is still something, after that you have to be careful and normally it's going to be fine," she says.

This logistical maneuver has been preparing in the shadows for several weeks now.

Four convoys are planned, ie 150 vehicles, as many containers that fit on the equivalent of three to four football fields.

Some will take military trains that can be up to 500 meters long.