Europe 1 with AFP 6:45 p.m., October 13, 2022

The university health services (SSU), particularly mobilized during the health crisis, will be reinforced and extended to all students at the beginning of 2023, announced Thursday the Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau.

A reform "desired for many years".

The university health services (SSU), particularly mobilized during the health crisis, will be reinforced and extended to all students at the beginning of 2023, announced Thursday the Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau.

"All higher education students, and not just those in universities, will be able to have access to a medical offer for prevention and care", underlines the ministry in a press release.

With an envelope of "8.2 million additional euros for student health", this reform, which transforms the University Health Services (SSU) into Student Health Services (SSE), aims to "better coordinate their action with the actors of care of the territory", writes the ministry.

"Essential cogs of establishments" 

This boasts of "better legitimacy of action in all areas of student health".

"The decree to be published will explicitly include in the education code that these health services are in charge of mental health, sexual, addictions, nutritional support for students".



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A consultation had been carried out since January with student organizations and actors from the university world.

These health services were in great demand during the Covid pandemic, a period which highlighted shortcomings, particularly in terms of psychological support for students.

This reform was "desired for many years. It reaffirms that health is at the heart of the missions of student life in universities", writes France Universities, which brings together the presidents of establishments, in a press release.

For France Universities, these care services "are essential cogs in the establishments".