About 2,000 people attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday morning in Westminster Abbey.

The organization is meticulous, and the invited heads of state had to comply with the rules.

In particular, they had the obligation to board buses chartered for the occasion in order to get to the ceremony.

But, Joe Biden managed to obtain a privilege.

The President of the United States went there in his own vehicle, an armored limousine.

Joe Biden was not seen getting off a bus alongside Emmanuel Macron in particular.

The president, accompanied by his wife Jill, arrived at 11 a.m. at the abbey in “The Beast” (the beast, in English).

A very impressive presidential car.

American President comes to a standstill in London traffic near Marble Arch.

Might as well have taken the bus.


— Joe Armitage (@joe_armitage) September 19, 2022

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13 cm thick panes

This 5.5 meter long car can withstand bomb attacks and gunfire, recalls the Huffington Post.

It is protected by 20 centimeter thick armor plates found in particular in the construction of airliners.

The 13 cm thick panes are made of five layers of polycarbonate to avoid chemical and bacteriological attacks.

The tires are reinforced with Kevlar.

In the event of an attack, the driver of the car can diffuse a screen of smoke, tear gas.

It can even electrify the handles.


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  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • Joe Biden

  • England


  • Funeral

  • World