China News Service, September 19. According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" report on the 19th, the political honeymoon of the new British Prime Minister Truss was suspended due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Once the Queen's funeral is over, its team will face a political nightmare, including how to lead Britain out of a deepening economic crisis.

On September 6, local time, Truss delivered his first speech after taking office as the new British Prime Minister in front of the Prime Minister's Office in London.

Prime Minister's career starts 'unprecedented'

  According to the report, Truss's prime minister's career is off to an unprecedented start.

She was appointed Prime Minister by the Queen on September 6, local time, and two days later, the Queen, who had been on the throne for 70 years, died.

  Hours before the Queen's death, Truss unveiled a package to support Britons facing soaring energy bills.

Details of the aid package, including how businesses will benefit, have yet to be announced as the country enters a period of mourning.

  Still, the media reported on some of Truss' plans, including some of her key promises in the Conservative leadership election, such as limiting union action.

In addition, the UK government will soon announce plans to help businesses meet their energy bills and how to help the UK healthcare system deal with backlogs.

The UN General Assembly's first appearance on the international stage

  This week, Truss will fly to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly, her first appearance on the world stage since becoming British prime minister.

  She was praised for her tough stance on Russia and support for Ukraine when she was foreign secretary in former Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government.

But Truss's determination to rewrite the Brexit deal risks heightening tensions with the EU and could further undermine Britain's special relationship with the United States.

  That raises the stakes for Truss' first meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden as prime minister.

The two leaders will hold formal bilateral talks on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

  Truss allies say the mourning period has spared Truss the usual criticism and scrutiny once he takes office.

But with this unexpected extra lead time, Truss and her team didn't know if they were ready for the coming political shock.