• Live Mourning in the United Kingdom

  • United Kingdom Funeral diplomacy

Moscow and Beijing lead their particular alternative to the West, the so-called

"Asian NATO"

which includes some of the countries that have not been summoned by the United Kingdom to attend the funeral of Elizabeth II tomorrow in London: neither Russia, nor Belarus nor Burma have been invited.

Vladimir Putin seems to be unaware that on a diplomatic level he is already a pariah among the countries that condemn his invasion of Ukraine, and openly support President



It seemed obvious that he did not expect to find himself surrounded tomorrow by the leaders who have imposed draconian sanctions on Russia and to whom the Kremlin, in response, has turned off the gas tap.

But the anger has been enormous.

"We consider this British attempt to use a national tragedy that has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world for geopolitical purposes to settle scores with our country during the days of mourning deeply immoral," the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman criticized. ,

Maria Zajarova


In addition, she recalled that during World War II Elizabeth II served "in the ranks of the territorial defense of the British Army that was fighting against the Nazis and their Ukrainian accomplices."

But the war unleashed by Putin on the continent has changed everything, including historical memory.

And the old alliances between countries against a common enemy are worth little.


the United Kingdom is one of the countries that is giving the most support to Kiev

, distancing itself from the EU in offering a rapid response and in requesting sanctions against Russia.

Boris Johnson

has visited the country at war three times and has allocated millions of pounds in humanitarian aid, in addition to a wide range of military equipment.

It must be remembered that the relationship between London and Moscow was already very tense before the war due to the attempted assassination by poison of former Russian agent

Sergei Skripal

and his daughter on British soil.

The other aggrieved by funeral diplomacy, to a lesser extent, is

Xi Jinping


Beijing itself has been invited to the funeral and will send Vice President

Wang Qishan

as "special representative" of the Chinese president.

His presence has raised blisters among a group of nine conservative deputies vetoed by Beijing for condemning its repression against the Uyghur minority in Xinjiang.

The sanctions against the seven parliamentarians and two British lords, who have their assets frozen in China, have, however, had consequences for a Chinese government delegation that

has been denied entry to the funeral chapel

in Westminster.

The ties between the United Kingdom and the Asian country are very deteriorated due to several factors: the British veto of Chinese companies such as the technology company Huawei, criticism of the

Hong Kong Security Law

that has caused an exodus of citizens to British soil, or the warnings for increasingly aggressive behavior toward Taiwan, the independent island that Beijing considers part of China.

Support for Taipei has been the latest controversy related to the funeral.

The United Kingdom, like most countries, does not recognize the sovereignty of the island, which is therefore excluded from most international events and organizations, under threats from Beijing to break commercial ties with countries that establish diplomatic ties. with the Taiwanese democratic government.

However, as part of the funeral, London has issued a challenge

by extending a special invitation to Taiwan's de facto ambassador

to sign the queen's book of condolences.

The island's Foreign Ministry also highlights in a statement that her representative,

Kelly Wu-Chiao Hsieh

, received the same treatment as other dignitaries.

The gesture is symbolic at a time when

Beijing has intensified its military threats against the democratic island

, after the historic visit of the speaker of the US House of Representatives,

Nancy Pelosi


The list of guests at the sovereign's funeral, converted into the diplomatic event of the year, will include the absences of other 'unwelcome' such as

Syria, Afghanistan and Venezuela.

And only Nicaragua, North Korea and Iran

will have representation at the embassy level ,

since their heads of government have not been personally invited.

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  • United Kingdom

  • Russia

  • London

  • China

  • Iran

  • huawei

  • North Korea

  • Venezuela

  • Afghanistan

  • USA

  • NATO

  • Belarus

  • burma

  • Vladimir Putin

  • Ukraine

  • Ministry of Defence

  • theater

  • Elizabeth II of England