Queen Elizabeth's grandchildren stand silently in front of her coffin

Princes William and Harry in uniform.


Princes William and Harry, sons of King Charles, stood in silence, each at one end of the coffin of their grandmother, the late Queen Elizabeth II, as a line of mourners streamed in front of the Queen's body.

The two sons of King Charles wore military uniforms during their silent stand next to the Queen's coffin, which lasted 15 minutes, in the vast Westminster Hall, the day before yesterday evening, and the coffin was draped in the royal banner, and surmounted by the jeweled crown of the British state.

William and Harry were joined by their six cousins, including Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, who had earlier paid their respects to the Queen.

Speaking of the Queen, the two sisters, who are Prince Andrew's daughters, said: "She was our great mother, our guide, the loving hand on our shoulders, taking our two corners across this world."

She continued, “We learned so much from you, and we will cherish those lessons and memories forever.

Now, dear grandmother, all we want to say is thank you.”

Hundreds of thousands of people stood for hours in a line along the Thames, waiting to see the casket and pay homage to the Queen, a testament to the impact she had on them.

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