The Jordanian authorities announced that the number of deaths from the collapse of an apartment building in the Weibdeh area in the center of the capital, Amman, has risen to 13, while rescue teams continue to search for the last trapped among the rubble.

A statement issued by the Public Security Directorate said today, Friday, that "the rescue teams, after difficult and delicate working hours, were able to reach 3 bodies, bringing the outcome of what was dealt with 13 deaths and 10 injuries."

As of Thursday, 10 bodies were recovered from the rubble of the building located in Jabal Al-Weibdeh, one of the oldest neighborhoods in the Jordanian capital.

And the three bodies discovered belong to a woman, a young man and a girl about one year old.

The Director of Operations in the Civil Defense, Colonel Firas Abu Al-Sandos, confirmed this Friday morning that "the available information indicates that there are 4 people (two women, a man and a one-year-old girl) and work is underway to get them out."

After exhuming the three bodies, it is assumed that the search is currently underway for only one woman.

On Wednesday, the Public Prosecutor in Amman decided to arrest 3 people in connection with the case. They are the son of the building owner who is the supervisor of the building, the maintenance contractor, and the maintenance technician;

After they were charged with "crimes of causing death and causing harm".

The Jabal Al-Weibdeh area is considered one of the most beautiful, oldest and most ancient areas of Amman. It is a center for culture and arts. Its construction dates back to the beginning of the 20th century and many foreigners reside there.