- The first idea came eight years ago.

So it feels fantastic to finally put a shovel in the ground, says Niklas Backåberg, chairman of the Allmänna skidklubben in Växjö.

The facility will consist of four kilometers of ski and cycle tracks.

But also a service building, twelve shooting ranges for biathlon and a training area.

The ski tracks should be fully developed next winter, but the ambition is to be able to ski already this year.

- At the first minus degrees, we will start spraying snow, says Niklas Backåberg.

The forecast for cycling is that the tracks should be ready by the summer, and that the work should be completely finished by the summer of 2025.

The municipality borrows money

Behind it are a number of sports associations who jointly received a loan promise from Växjö municipality.

- We think it's a fantastic project, says head of administration Tomas Ekelius.

What is the cost to the municipality?

- We don't know that.

We lend money and don't know how much they will need to borrow yet.

Watch as the spade is put in the ground - and take a tour of the area - in the clip above.