Pakistan: Former Prime Minister Imran Khan released on bail

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan leaving Islamabad court on August 25, 2022. REUTERS - STRINGER

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Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was released on bail on Thursday, August 25.

Accused of violating his country's anti-terrorism law, in a speech delivered last weekend, he has been granted "provisional release" until September 1, according to the decision of an anti-terrorism court.


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With our correspondent in Islamabad,

Sonia Ghezali

The former Prime Minister of Pakistan is

in the sights of the authorities after having criticized

, in a speech held on Saturday August 20, the justice and the Pakistani police.

According to Imran Khan, they allegedly tortured the general secretary of his party, who was then placed in detention.

Criticisms that have been qualified as threats by the justice system, which has taken up the case.

On leaving the court, Imran Khan protested:


If I say that I will take legal action against the police officers and against the judge who referred my team leader to the police officers who tortured him, if I say that, and because of that I am accused of terrorism, you can imagine how much this case has become a joke in the eyes of the whole world.


Political tensions have crystallized since Imran Khan was

ousted from power in a vote of no confidence

last April.

He has since multiplied, with his party the PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf), political rallies across the country against the government in place, led by

Shehbaz Sharif

, who is at the head of the PML-N.

Imran Khan and his supporters are calling for early general elections.


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  • Pakistan

  • Imran Khan

  • Shehbaz Sharif