With a looming recession, tough times lie ahead.

The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce has calculated the monthly costs for a family with two children who live in a detached house and have a car.

According to their calculations, the costs for an average household next year will have increased by roughly 30 percent in two years, although there are large regional differences.

Permanent raise

When Mikael Damberg and Elisabeth Svantesson met in Aktuellt to debate what their parties want to do to support households when the margins are shrinking, the tone was particularly loud about the unemployment insurance fund.

Mikael Damberg is critical of the Moderates contradicting the permanent strengthening of the unemployment insurance fund that was introduced during the pandemic.

- It would affect an ordinary construction worker with perhaps up to SEK 7,000 a month.

And it is often the electricians, construction workers, painters who are first in the queue when the economy turns downward, said Mikael Damberg.

But an increase in the social security fund is the wrong way to go because companies are currently in great need of labour, says Elisabeth Svantesson.

- For me, it is always most important to strengthen the person who goes to work;

the electrician, the construction worker, the nurse should know that their hard work pays off, said Elisabeth Svantesson.

A question of morality

The debate eventually came to be about an increase in the unemployment insurance fund.

Damberg said that it was a question of morality and said that the Moderates do not protect those who have it the hardest.

- All the people who are now stacking the contributions on top of each other, speaking of morality, to the point that it is not worth taking a job, it is not moral towards all those who go to work every day, said Elisabeth Svantesson.