Europe 1 with AFP 10:52 p.m., August 25, 2022

Health professionals and patients have criticized the group for allowing its users to make appointments with naturopaths, some of whom have dangerous practices, close to quackery and sectarian aberrations.

Critics have particularly targeted naturopaths claiming to be two influential personalities in the field, but with discredited positions in the world of health.

The Doctolib group, a French heavyweight in making medical appointments, at the heart of a controversy because it references naturopaths with questionable practices, will strengthen the verification procedures for professionals referenced on its site, a-t- he announced on Thursday.

Health professionals and patients have criticized the group for allowing its users to make appointments with naturopaths, some of whom have dangerous practices, close to quackery and sectarian aberrations.

The critics have particularly targeted naturopaths claiming to be Thierry Casasnovas and Irène Grosjean, two influential personalities in the field, but with discredited positions in the world of health.

The Order of Physicians asked Doctolib on Tuesday to strengthen its ethical rules for registering on the platform.

Faced with the controversy, the group had already indicated on Monday suspending 17 profiles of practitioners.

It announces on Wednesday, in a press release, that it has taken a "first series of measures" (...) "aiming to strengthen its procedures for verifying and reporting professionals referenced on its site".

For practitioners carrying out unregulated well-being activities, which represent 3% of Doctolib practitioners and 0.3% of appointments made (including naturopaths), a dedicated team will check their identity and their presentation.

Other measures to come

A first update of the homepage of the site was carried out, mentioning explicitly that they are not health professionals, ensures Doctolib.

Doctolib "in particular ensures that it is impossible for a patient to confuse between a practitioner exercising an activity in the field of well-being and a health professional", he specifies. 

The site announces the opening of a consultation with its Medical and Professional Committee, Miviludes (the interministerial mission to combat sectarian aberrations), health professional unions, health orders, patient associations and the authorities. health "in order to better regulate the referencing of unregulated practitioners" on the platform.

This consultation "will give rise to a new series of measures", promises the site.

In addition, Doctolib also announces measures aimed at practitioners in a regulated health profession, who represent 97% of practitioners.

No appointment without verification of the right to practice

Since the creation of the site in 2013, out of nearly 250,000 practitioners referenced in total, the platform has been the victim four times of individuals who have created false profiles by usurping in particular the identity of health professionals, the last two cases of fraud dating from June and August 2022, she says.

No appointment can be made on Doctolib before the verification of the right to practice is effective, assures the site.

To do this, the platform has decided to remove the 15-day period, which was previously granted to health professionals, so that new residents can start making appointments before the opening of their practice.