In an effort to obliterate Palestinian identity

100,000 Jerusalemite students between following the Israeli curriculum or being deprived of education

  • Occupation plans to target education in Jerusalem and exclusivity.

    From the source

  • Abrahamic College was banned from teaching the Palestinian curriculum.

    From the source


On the eve of the start of the new school year in the Palestinian territories, which is scheduled for the first of next September, the Israeli Ministry of Education sent threatening letters to school principals in Jerusalem, explicitly threatening that “the representative of the implementation department will search schools and books, and force the school representative to sign a petition obligating him not to teach The Palestinian National Curriculum.

The message of the Israeli Ministry of Education included this text: “If we arrest an educational institution that teaches in prohibited books, we will cancel its license immediately.” This means the Palestinian curriculum books, as the occupation seeks to impose what is known as the distorted curriculum, which cancels the Palestinian cause and blurs its identity.

According to the Director General of the Jerusalem Affairs Unit in the Palestinian Ministry of Education, Dima Al-Samman, the occupation authorities plan to impose the Israeli curriculum by 98% inside Jerusalemite schools, and 2% to become a foreign curriculum, as part of an attempt to impose Israeli sovereignty over the Holy City and abolish everything that is Palestinian.

Judaizing Curricula

Al-Samman indicated that the number of Jerusalemite students is about 100,000, more than half of them study in private schools affiliated with charities and churches, Palestinian and Jordanian endowment schools, and schools of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), all of which study the Palestinian curriculum, and the rest of the students receive their education in The occupation municipal schools in Jerusalem, half of which teach the distorted Palestinian curriculum, and the Israeli curriculum, as well as “contracting” schools, which are run by individuals on behalf of the Israeli Ministry of Education.

On the other hand, the head of the Central Parents Committee in Jerusalem, Ziad Shamali, confirms that the occupation targeted 82 private schools in Jerusalem, as the Education Committee of the Israeli Ministry of Education has a plan to absorb all Jerusalem schools within eight years, by imposing the Israeli curriculum and canceling the Palestinian curriculum.

Shamali goes on to say in his interview with Emirates Today: "But the occupation seeks to reduce that period and get rid of Palestinian education, because it considers Jerusalem as its capital, and seeks to abolish the Palestinian character in it."

The head of the Parents’ Committee points out that the Israeli books and curricula that the occupation municipality is working to distort by deleting Palestinian content, have occupational contents and “carcinogenic” Judaizing study materials.

Education targeting

At the end of last July, the Israeli Minister of Education, Yifat Shasha Biton, approved the cancellation of the permanent licenses of six Palestinian schools in Jerusalem, due to what she said was “incitement against the state and the Israeli army in textbooks,” and replacing them with a temporary one for a year, during which the notified school is removed from its curricula. The scholastic content is inflammatory, Peyton alleges.

The schools threatened with closure by withdrawing their permanent licenses are the Ibrahimi College in the Al-Masara neighborhood of Jerusalem, which was established in 1931, and Al-Iman Schools with its five branches spread throughout the Jerusalem neighborhoods, which were established in 1984, and which are classified as private schools, accommodating 2,000 students in their classes. A student.

Prior to the start of the new academic year, the Abrahamic College published, on its website, a letter addressed to the parents of its students, saying that the Israeli Ministry of Education issued instructions to the Abrahamic College prohibiting the introduction of textbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority on the school campus, prohibiting their use in the school, and instructing Using the textbooks issued by the occupation municipality in Jerusalem only.

The Israeli Knowledge stipulated that the school, in its primary and secondary levels, be licensed for the next academic year 2023/2022, due to the absence of textbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority on the school campus.

The Abrahamic College administration indicates on its website that the Israeli Ministry of Education has circulated to the rest of Al-Quds Al-Sharif schools that the mentioned decisions will apply to all schools, not just the college.

Abrahamic College lawyer Nihad Irsheed points out that most schools in Jerusalem use the Palestinian curriculum, and that the Abrahamic College school has been teaching its students the Palestinian curriculum for 91 years, noting that the Israeli Ministry of Education’s decision that threatens the college and faith schools came in an attempt to target education in Jerusalem, and its uniqueness. .

Irsheed says that the Israeli Knowledge’s decision regarding the Ibrahimi College and the five faith schools was issued after their administration was summoned to attend a session with it, on the 18th of last July, and informed them of the ministry’s intention not to renew the licenses that would expire in the coming years, on the pretext that the Palestinian curricula issued by the Palestinian Authority Those taught by these schools include inciting materials against the occupation.

He adds:

It is noteworthy that the books imposed by the occupation municipality on Jerusalem schools are forged, as they deleted from their contents the symbols found on Palestinian books, including “the flag, the keffiyeh, and the Palestinian eagle.” It also removed entire texts, and was replaced with others, calling for intimate relationship with the Israelis, and sharing the role of Worship, along with other implications, claim that the occupation does not exist in Jerusalem, according to the Abrahamic College lawyer.

According to the Director-General of the Jerusalem Affairs Unit in the Palestinian Ministry of Education, Dima Al-Samman, the occupation authorities plan to impose the Israeli curriculum by 98% within Jerusalem schools, and 2% to become a foreign curriculum, as part of an attempt to impose Israeli sovereignty over the Holy City, and to abolish everything that is Palestinian.

Prior to the start of the new academic year, the Abrahamic College published, on its website, a message addressed to the parents of its students, saying, “The Israeli Ministry of Education has issued instructions to the Abrahamic College prohibiting the introduction of textbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority on the school campus, and prohibiting their use in the school.” .

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